Chapter 10: "Who am I really?"

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(5th April, Friday, 9:35am)

Aria POV

After Christopher agreed to go with my risky plan, I requesting him something else.

"Erm.. Christopher? "

Christopher: "Yes? "

" There's something I need to yell you. Liane still hasn't know about this so do not tell her."

Christopher: "Hm? What is it?"

"I think.. no... I know that I'm not really a Homo Sapien[1]..."

Christopher: "..What...?"

Aria: "Normal humans' wounds would not heal so quickly... The wounds I obtained from training with Morgan, they healed within two days... If it was a normal human, it would take at least 3 weeks to heal, some may even die from Morgan's training... many of my injuries healed unexpectedly fast, compared to Liane..."

(What am I.. really...)

Christopher: "I envy you Aria-Chan, many of us wants what you have. However, it's a problem for you, so I'll try my best to help you in figuring out who you are."

"Thanks, but how are you going to do that?"

Christopher: "Well, I have many books about species and blood and stuff. So I can help. With the sample of your blood, I should be able to figure out."

I nodded, telling Christopher my thanks, then walking out.

After walking out, I saw a ship nearby. However, it was not just any ship, it was a pirate ship.

I leaned forward, out of the ship a little.

(Who are they? Is the ship heading our way?...)

Morgan: "ARIA!!"


"What the shhh...."

I walked up and towards Morgan's room.

"Morgan, can you please, please, please, stop shouting? "

Morgan: "Ha! Ha! Ha! No. Either way, I heard from Nathan that ya fainted just a few moments ago. Ya alright?"

"Ya ya.. I told Christopher about my 'special case' and asked him for assistance."

Morgan: "I see, very well then. Do you have any idea where we are headed?"

"Hm? Er... no really..why?"

Morgan: "Just curious. You may go now, oh! Also, tell Nathan to bring meh Booze!"

"Get it yourself, Captain Morgan."

Morgan: "Cheh! Meanie."


(Ow ow ow ow ow! Urg... but..)

"That's Liane-Chan."

Morgan: "Maybe his ship is nearby. Aria! I'll let ya take care of them, consider it to be your first task of being a Sirius Pirate."

"Ah.. Ok? Whatever that is..."

Morgan: "Oh, ya will know what to do when ya see the deck's situation. "

1. Homo Sapien means Human, just in case some of you are not quite sure, its a scientific term.

Sorry its such a short chapter but blame my school for that!!

Anyways, love you all so so much!♡ Thanks for supporting me, it really means a lot!

Currently, I am working on Arcana Famiglia and the story will be out soon. :)

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