Chapter 16: You alright there?

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( Monday, 8th April, 1:04pm)

I can't crack the code, it was just too weird to be read. Holding those delicate flowers firmly, I ran all the way round and back to the mouth of the cave.

When I arrived, I saw Nathan struggling to remove my bandana.

Nathan: " Hell. "

"Stop fidgeting around with my bandana, Nathan. I made sure it can't be removed easily. "

Nathan:" And why's that? Ya naked or somethin' ?"

(What the...)

Walking over to Nathan, I slapped the crown of husband head.

"Ya goddamn pervert! No, I still have the bikini, that Morgan gave me, on. "

Nathan: " Since when did Captain give you that. "

"Two days ago. Just this morning he begged me again to wear it for him. Since I didn't really show him how it looked like. "

Morgan: "Please!!! please please please please please!!!"

Nathan: "... Hell. "

"Anyway, I'll remove it once I'm done. "

Hovering those flowers over the fire, they started to glow and emitted their smell.

(Okay, this is weird. It didn't glow the last time I burned the flowers...)

Nathan: " What's that smell. Smells so sweet. "

" Flowers. I picked some daisies and peonies. "

Nathan: " What for, ya gonna eat 'em or somethin'?"

"Something like that... "

Nathan: " Don't ya have anything else, flowers ain't what many think as filling. "

" It's not like I want to... "

After eating those petals, my hair turned back to normal... Half. Way. Arrgg!!

(What. The. Hell!)

" This is annoying... "

( Now I'm hungry...)

Glancing over at Nathan, I kinda thought of a terrible idea.

(If we are going to travel the sea together... I might as well tell him the truth... or show.)

"Hey ah... Nathan? "

Nathan:" Wha."

"I'll remove the bandana if you promise to not say a word about what you are gonna see. Just help me collect other stuff.

Nathan: "... Fine. "

"Thanks. "

Kneeling down in front of Nathan, I reached my hands behind and untied the knot.

Nathan POV

I stopped trying and Aria offered to untie the annoying thing off of me. What I didn't anticipated was that her... was directly in front of me.

Aria: " There you go. "


Aria: " What? How 'bout a thanks? No? Fine. "

Standing up, she turned her back while my sight was still adjusting to my surrounding.


Aria: " Don't say, don't ask. I'll tell you later, for now, let's go and find more fruits. "

Looking down, I saw a pile of tropical fruits.

"Ain't that enough..."

Aria: " First thing you need to know is that my love interest is fruits. Next, is that we won't be rescued as soon as you might think. I came to realized, when untying the knot, that this island has more mysteries then just a normal inhabited island. "

" So ya sayin' that we won't get back to the ship anytime soon. "

Aria: " 50% chance, yes. By the way, I suggest your dry your shirt. You might catch a cold. "

Turning her sight towards the entrance of the cave,she responded back.

Aria: " Plus, sunshine's long gone. Your clothes won't dry, so just hang your clothes. "

Removing my top, I hung it on and stood next to Aria.

"So whatcha plan. "

Aria: " Fruits ~~ Then there's something I need to see. "

" Fine..."

Aria: " ...By the way. "


I am not sure, but I think I blushed a little when I saw Aria smiling at me.

Aria: " You alright there? "


Aria: " You can't swim, right? "


"That's none of your business... "

Aria: " It's alright ya know, I'm the same. "

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