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Cinder's point of view!

After Cress left Cinder started getting hungry again. Cinder tried to drown her self in the conversation to forget about her hunger.

"Cress was really nice!" Peony exclaimed.

"yeah I'm so glad I found her! " Scarlet agreed.

"Again she is not a stray cat Scarlet."
Ze'ev replied.

"Is it just me or is anyone else hungry?" Iko asked.

"I'm starving!" Cinder screamed.

"Same. " Ze'ev whined.

"Z your always hungry. " Scarlet replied.

"I'll go get some soft pretzels." Peony sighed out.

"Thank You!" Cinder called out to her as she walked away.

"Sooooo, do you guys want to go to the karaoke bar tonight?" Iko asked.

Ze've looked at Scarlet, who noded
"I guess, but I'm not singing. " Ze'ev answered.

Cinder couldn't agreed more. She was not going to sing.

When Peony came back Iko asked her if she wanted to go and she said yes.

"I'll ask Cress." Iko said.

Cinder has to admit was kinda excited about tonight. Not that she was going to sing.................

Author's Note
Sorry for the short chapter, but I just wanted to get it up. I got this idea from ohsnapitzcloe and I can't thank her enough! If you want to give song suggestions please tell me which person\group will be singing it!

People/groups singing

Cress- alone

Iko, Peony

Cinder, Iko, Peony

Cinder- alone

Cinder, Scarlet

All five girls

Kai, Thorne

I'll put my favorite songs and you guys can vote on the in the next chapter! Bye!
◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌ you guys and thanks for reading! Bye!

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