Chapter 5: Enjoying the Party

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Cinderella's mask ^^^^
Anyway, enjoy the book!

This party is a blast, seriously, I had confetti cannons! After dancing for about 30 minutes, I walk over to get some fruit punch. I grab the ladle and pour myself some punch. I take a sip, and look around the room. Everyone's happy and enjoying themselves, like I planned. But then I look over to the backyard; I see the Cinderella girl sitting by herself.

I walk to the backyard to see people playing volleyball in the pool. Then I turn to see her sitting by herself in the double swinging chair. I walk over and sit next to her. It's quiet for a minute before I ask, "Soooo, whatcha doing?"

"Sitting, breathing, swinging." She answers. "I mean ... why aren't you enjoying the party? Don't you have anybody to-" "No ... I don't. I don't know anybody." She says, sadness, in her voice. "Well ... you know me." I say, trying to cheer her up. She looks at me, and we both start blushing. We both look away from each other. Suddenly, I get an idea. "Why don't we go play air hockey, upstairs?" I ask. She looks at me and nods. I grab her hand and lead her through a crowd of dancing people, then take her upstairs. We walk into our game room and I go to the right side of the hockey table. She goes to the left and presses the power button. The air starts blowing. She grabs the puck and hits it. It flies straight into the goal and then RINGS! "Ok, you didn't give me a chance to block." I complain.

"Whatever." She says. "Oh it's on Cinderella!" I say. "Sure is Charming." And we played for about 10 minutes (we tied) before we were bored of playing. "Whatcha want to do now?" I ask. She takes a moment to think. "Let's dance." She says. "I thought you'd never say that." I say. We walk downstairs; the party's still going. I grab her hand and pull her into the dance floor. I started dancing, but when I turned to her, she was just standing there.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. She hesitantly says, "What if I make a fool of myself?" I laugh. "That's the point!" I say. Suddenly the music changes. Its a slow dance. Everyone grabs a partner, and starts waltzing. I look at her and put out my hand. She notices and just stands there. I nod. She hesitantly grabs my hand, I pull her closer. I put my other hand above her waist.

We're dancing with everyone else. We're staring into each others eyes. Hers are so beautiful, glittering ocean blue. I twirl her, spin her in the air, toss her (that almost ended badly). We were having the most fun out of everybody!

Suddenly, BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP! She looks at the digital going off. I look, it's 12:00. She looks at me. "Sorry ... I have to go." And she runs off. I run after her through the crowd of people. Then she runs out the front door. When I get out the front door, she's gone. "Just like Cinderella." I say to myself. Alex you stupid! You forgot to ask her for her name! Face palm!

I walk all around outside looking for her, nothing. When I'm walking back into my house, I notice a shoe on the ground. And not any shoe, HER slipper. I pick it up; it's red with specks of diamonds covering the whole thing.

"Just like Cinderella." I repeat.

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