Chapter 8: Notes

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"This can't be happening! Your the girl I met at my party?!" I ask. She's blushing so much, her whole face is red. "I met a guy at the party, but I didn't think it was you?!" She says, surprised. Ok, you found your 'love', what do you want to ask.

"Why did you leave as soon as it was 12:00?" I ask, returning to my seat. "Well I had to get home because I was going to my grandma's house Saturday. I was supposed to leave at 11:00." She explains. "That's reasonable." I say. "Mr. Boardston, can you please turn around." Mrs. Conner asks/says. Mrs. Conner only uses are last name if she needs are attention, right now, me. I turn around and look at her. "Ok now that I have everyone's attention-" and I stopped listening after that. Again, I get tapped on the shoulder. And a paper's on my shoulder. I unfold it. In nice handwriting it says See me after school. I turn around and nod before Mrs. Conner sees me. I turn to see Rose is here. Her eyes ask What are y'all talking about?

Nothing I answer back.

Sorry for this EXTREMELY short chapter. This was the best way to end this one. Next one won't be so short. Aannnddd remember, enjoy the book!

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