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Ok, Rose stood up to her step-family, Peter and Lizzy are dating. So are me and Rose. And guess when my birthday was before? The Valentine's dance! And here we are, at the dance!

I see Peter and Lizzy walk into the cafeteria, that's where the dance is taking place. They walk over to me and ask, "Where's Rose?" "Not here yet. She texted me that she'll be here soon. I hope." I say. Peter pats me on the shoulder. "We have until midnight, she'll be here." Of course, it ends at midnight.

"Ok everyone." Mr. Welling says through the mic. "We're going to start the dance now. SO DJ START IT UP!!!" He yells. Everybody screams excitedly, and the music starts playing. Everybody rushes out to the dance floor, while I'm just sitting in the loners seats, waiting for my girlfriend. I get up to get a cookie off the dessert table. When I get to the table, so many!

Chocolate chip, pecan, peanut butter, sugar, too many to list! I just grab an ordinary chocolate chip cookie. When I grab it, someone else's hand is on my hand. I look up to see Rose. Getting a cookie before seeing her boyfriend, nice. "Hey, have I met you before?" She asks, jokingly. "Of course you silly goose!" I say. I take the cookie and give it to Rose. "Awww, thank you." I look at her appeal. Beautiful and Gorgeous! She's wearing a red dress, big and poofy, with floral designs all over it. It covers up her feet; I can guess which shoes she's wearing.

After she finishes eating the cookie, she asks, "Would you like to dance?" bowing. "If you want, m'lady." I say, bowing as well. We start laughing at the performance and walk to the dance floor.

We start dancing. I spin, she twirls, and cha cha's. It was a blast! And when we're dancing, Rose suddenly trips onto me. I lean up to see she lost her shoe, again. We're on the floor when I ask, "What's up with you and losing your shoe?" "Maybe Cinderella cursed me." She says. We laugh. I grab her slipper and slip it into place.

Wait a minute! How does it come off if it's a perfect fit? I'll never know. I grab Rose, and we dance until midnight. And this time, she didn't run off.

This is the actual end to the book. Hope you enjoyed it! And to end it off ...

Or is it .....

(Check out the Sequel,
He's Definitely Prince Charming!)

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