Chapter 7: It's You

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We didn't find out who it was on Saturday. We looked at every person in school basically, no luck. And here I am now, walking to class. I sit down in my first period class. Mrs. Conner asks me, "What's wrong?" I didn't think I looked sad, so I changed my facial expression so I looked happy (put a smile on my face). "Oh no nothings wrong." I say, happily. She just goes back to doing her work.

Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see it was Elizabeth, A.K.A. Lizzy. She's always been a friend of mine. She went to my party, I think. "Something wrong?" I ask, holding the fake smile on my face. "No, well kind of. I wanted to ask what's wrong, I can tell you lied to Mrs. Conner." She says. Should have known, she can tell if anybody's lieing, even teachers. "No, nothings wrong." "Alex?" She says, knowing I'm lieing. I let out a breath before talking. "Ok, I'll tell you. At my party, I met a girl. She was amazing!-" "And you want to find her. Ooooo, love story!!!" She screams, girly. I start blushing. "Yeah ..." I say. I take the slipper out of my backpack. "She left this at my house, when she left me suddenly." I say, sadly.

Lizzy stares at the shoe. Then looks at me with eyes saying I have a shoe just like that. NO WAY! But ... it can't be! But I can see it, she has black hair and blue eyes. "Do-do you want to try it on?" I ask, whispering. She nods and takes off her right shoe and sock. I hold the shoe I my hands, still thinking to myself this isn't happening! She turns so her legs are outside the desk. I walk to the side her legs are out. I slip the slipper on to her foot.

It's a perfect fit.

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