Chapter 12: The Park

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I'm sitting in my seat when someone taps me on the shoulder. Of course, it's Lizzy. I turn around; she says, "What was that all about?" Should I tell her the truth? "Something." I answer. "Ok then." She knows I'm lieing, And I turn back to the front.


Me and Lizzy are going on are second 'date', at the park. I'm walking to the swings, because who doesn't like swinging? I sit on the seat and start swinging. Back and forth, back and forth. When I was little, I felt like I was flying when I was on the swings. All of a sudden, I hit something behind me. I force myself to the ground, and turn around. It was a girl. Lizzy!

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry-" and she picks up her head. It's Rose! "Rose! It's you?" I ask. "Yes it's me. Who do you think I was?" She asks, holding her shoulder. "No one. Sorry for hitting you in the shoulder. I couldn't see you because you were behind me." I apologize. "It's my fault. I shouldn't of walked behind someone swinging." She apologizes back. I stare at her shoulder. She notices and says, "It's Ok, really." she says, letting go of her shoulder. "No, seems like I hit it hard." I pull up her right sleeve to see it's bleeding from a cut.

"See, your not alright." I look back at her arm. Wait a minute! There's bruises on her arm, other than the cut I made. "Did your step-sister do this?" I ask. She nods. "Why do you let them abuse you Rose?" I ask, looking for a way to help. She looks away from me and says, "What am I supposed to do?" "You should ..."

I get it. She doesn't want to hurt them back, or say anything back to them. That's why she's so shy. They beat her/smack talk her until ... until ... she cries. I look at Rose again. She's staring down at the mulch on the ground. I grab the sides of her head and pull her face to face mine. "You need to stand up to your step-sister and mom." I say, directly into her face. Her eyes are watering. "If I say something they don't want to hear, they beat me. No use." She says, tears flowing out of her eyes. "Look at me." I say. She looks into my eyes. "Don't let anyone beat you to silence. Stand up to your step-family ... for me." I say, inspirationally. She doesn't move for a second. Then she whimpers, "I will."

I kiss her. I hold her in my arms. It lasts until we hear someone next to us. Lizzy.

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