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~Andy's POV~

I woke up the next morning, the whole dorm was silent. There was no sound what so ever. It was kind of creepy to be honest but I brushed the thought off and checked my phone.

The time was 10:00 AM. I'm glad that school doesn't start for another 5 days or so, I got here early so I could familiarise myself with the buildings, but come on let's be real here. I'm not going to trudge around this hell hole in this weather.

I sat up, running my hand through my hair as I let out a yawn. Fuck I was jet lagged, this sucks...

I managed to get out of the bed and trudge over to my suitcase that I knew had my laze around clothes in it. I crouched down beside it and unzipped it before pushing the top over so it was open.

I pushed clothes to the side before I found what I was looking for. A pair of black sweatpants, those were fluffy on the inside, a long sleeved plain black shirt and then a black hoodie that had the one and only Pumpkin King on the front and back. Yes, I'm talking about Jack Skellington.

I dressed myself and brushed my hair before starting to put away my clothes and belongings.

Half an hour later I was finished. That went by surprisingly fast, and now it was 10:45. I guess I should probably go out to the 'living area' I could hear the TV blaring so I knew that Ashley was up.

I was silent as I walked into the living area. Ashley was sprawled across the sofa, probably half asleep, staring blankly at whatever crappy show was on TV.

"Mornin' Ashley..." I said quietly as I walked up to the couch.

Ashley turned his head to look at me, he only had boxers on and he had a tent in them... nice... "Morning gorgeous~" he smiled at me.

I shifted, trying not to look at the tent in his boxers but it was kind of hard. Haha, Hard. Bad joke, Andy...

"Hey, come here~" Ashley smirked to himself and grabbed my arms, pulling me down... on to his lap.


Are you trying to tease me, you piece of sexy shit...

I sat stiffly on his lap, trying not to move, this was rather awkward for me. He probably didn't find it awkward.

He rolled his hips a little and I bit down on my lip, looking away. My cheeks were flushed red. Oh my... this was so embarrassing.

"Hmm... gorgeous?" Ashley purred.

"Y-yes...?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"Want to have some..." he paused, "Fun with me?"

"I-I really shouldn't... I should-" Ashley silenced me by covering my mouth.

"Gorgeous... you really shouldn't say no to me." He threatened.

I gulped and bowed my head, I can't do this. He can't do this to me. I don't want to, and oh god I'm so scared. "Ashley, pl-please, please don't make me..." I gasped, my chest felt tight and I couldn't breathe.

He seemed to stop what he was doing. I think he realised how scared I was. "Darling? Darling, it's okay. It'll be okay, you don't have to do anything right now..." I felt his hand rubbing up and down my back.

"Ash-ley, he-help..." I choked out, grabbing onto his arms.

"Okay, I am, shh... It's okay..." he whispered, moving me off of his lap and sitting up properly.

I felt him press my head against his chest to around where his heart was. "Focus on my heartbeat, sweetie..."

I just nodded, blinking rapidly trying not to let the tears that I was holding back fall. It was hard. Eventually I felt the tears escape. They went everywhere.

I still couldn't breathe, my chest was getting tighter and tighter and I couldn't focus on Ashley's heart beat anymore. I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage.

My vision started to blur, getting worse and worse. Black spots started to appear in my vision.

I could hear Ashley's voice, he sounded panicked. Obviously this hadn't ever happened to him, someone freaking out like I was when he tried to get them into bed with him.

No doubt that happened often, he'd probably bring girls or guys around and just have his way with them... Oh what fun I would have, having to listen to the noises that would come from his room.

I coughed violently, my body shaking as I tried my hardest to relax and breathe; it was difficult, so difficult.

Ashley had been doing whatever he could to try and help, though I couldn't exactly see, I could sense his touch and presence. He'd been stroking me hair.

This was so strange, did he have some split personality disorder? Yesterday he'd been rude as fuck to me, and now... now he was trying to get with me.

And then he's trying to help me calm down from my... panic attack? PTSD attack? I don't know what it was called, but it brought back some memories that I would rather leave untouched.

Forced to give up my body to get things that I craved. The cigarettes, the high, on-top-of-the-world feeling that I used to love so much. The fall down was the only bad part, the coming back down and then having to suffer until I managed to fuck my way into regaining some more of those precious drugs.

Oh yeah, I had been fucked up when I was younger, but, I'd recovered, I was 20 now. It had taken 2 years to get me off of the stuff and now I just wanted to recover my life and get a good job.

My heartbeat started to slow from its erratic hammering in my chest. I could feel my lungs opening up again, my throat felt dry though, and it hurt.

I was calm and I could feel Ashley's fingers running through my hair, and then his voice mumbling into my ear. Nothing that I could pick apart from each other though, I felt so very out of it.

"That's it darling, you just go to sleep now, relax." Ashley's voice spoke to me through the haze.

That was the last thing that I really paid attention to before I drifted off. 

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