Chapter 11

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~Andy's POV~

I'd been kept at the hospital for another week, under a heavy watch. I'd tried to explain that it was all an accident, but they were still unsure of me. And of course to make sure I was fine, they kept me in that room for another week, no visitors allowed.

But, it was Sunday, I was allowed to go home today, it was evening time. I'd gotten dressed in some clothes Ashley had left for me and I was currently sitting on the bus on the way back to the campus. Everyone would know that I almost committed suicide.

I could see everything getting worse from here, my head was resting against the window, watching as we grew closer to the college grounds. I wasn't really ready to go back, I had so many things wrong with me, and now people were going to regard me as some weirdo that tried to kill them-self. I suppose it would have been better if I'd actually died. That way I wouldn't have to deal with the backlash I was sure to receive in the next few days.

The bus stopped outside the college grounds and I got off, walking straight towards the dorm building. I was fucking freezing, pulling my hoodie tighter around myself in the hopes it would warm me up more. That wasn't happening though.

As soon as I entered the building, everyone in the 'lobby' area went silent. I avoided their gaze and just headed upstairs to my room. I wanted to go to bed and sleep. Maybe eat, actually yeah, I felt hungry for once.

I tripped up the first flight of stairs, my body not used to being up and around after lying in bed for a week. There were some snickers from downstairs but I just picked myself up and hurried upstairs faster.

I eventually reached the top, I felt so weak. But I walked on, I didn't have my keys so I had to hope Ashley was there as I knocked on the door, breathing heavily.

No one answered.

Oh for the love of god, I need to sleep. Let me in.

"A-Ashley?" I called out, knocking again, hoping he would let me in. Still no answer.

I almost started crying, I just wanted to go to bed. And he'd gone out. I sank down on the floor, my back against the wall across from our room. I curled up in a ball, pulling the hood up over my head.

"Fuck.." I muttered to myself, I didn't even have his number so I couldn't call him to ask where the fuck he was.

I must have sat there for around half an hour before someone opened the door at the end of the hall. I looked up, seeing Ashley carrying some boxes from dominos.

"Andy, you're back." Ashley smiled a little at me, "When did you get here?" He asked, unlocking our door and holding it open for me.

I shakily stood up, "Like.. 40 minutes ago." I said quietly, walking in, him following me, shutting the door.

"Sorry, I went to dominos to grab some pizza for you coming back. I didn't realise you would be back before I got back." Ashley apologised, setting the boxes down on the table. "I got two margarita pizza's, is that okay?"

"Y-yeah, its fine.." I smiled weakly and sat down opposite him. I took a slice out of the box and began to nibble on it. It was pretty good considering I'd been eating hospital food all week.

"How're you feeling?" Ashley asked me, he sounded like he was trying to actually be nice to me for once.

"I uh, I feel pretty shitty to be honest. The hospital wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep." I bit my lip and looked across the table at him.

"Yeah, I suppose it isn't.. I, uh, I went round all your professors and got the work you need to catch up on, they said you can have like a week to complete it from tomorrow."

"Thanks Ashley.. means a lot." I mumbled, grabbing another slice and eating that too. I was fucking starving.

"Look, Andy. I uh.." Ashley said after a while. "I was such an asshole to you.. can we start over?" He asked me.

"You were.. but yes. We can. Hi, I'm Andy." I smiled a little at him.

"Hey, I'm Ashley." He laughed a little. "And, you're pretty cute."

I felt my face flush red, "Pretty cute?" I questioned.

"Yeah, you're actually fucking gorgeous to be honest. And I'm glad I'm your roommate." Ashley grinned at me.

"Thank you, you're rather hot if I do say so myself." I giggled, this was so much better than before.

"Why thank you, Doll Face." Ashley smirked. "You wanna go out sometime? Just me and you?"

"I'd love to, Ash." My lips hurt I was smiling that much when they were still a little chapped.

"Great, what about next Friday, I'll take you out for Dinner?"

"I'd love that." I laughed.

"Fantastic.. what do you say to taking these pizzas to the couch and we watch a movie?"

"I say yes." I stood and picked up my box, heading over the couch and sitting down.

I watched as Ashley set up the movie for us to watch, he'd chosen This Means War. It looked pretty funny.

I was taken by surprise when Ashley pulled me onto his lap, stretching his legs out down the sofa. "This is more like it." He murmured in my ear. "I think you're changing me." He chuckled a little before bringing the pizza boxes up and setting them on my lap.

I allowed myself to actually relax in his arms and let myself eat, I let myself feel safe. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, this next week if he continued to act like this with me.

He seemed like such a romantic and I hope he stays that way, I like this side of Ashley more than the bad boy attitude he had, despite how hot that was. This was adorable, cute.. amazing.


They're gonna actually get together now, don't worry this isn't the end

~Jinxxthejinxxer ^,..,^

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