Chapter 7

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~Andy's POV~

Everything had been a mess, we were a few weeks into the year now and the work was piling on top of me, Ashley was stressing me out and I'd recently been told that the guys I had made friends with were leaving now, they'd done what they could afford and had to hit the road again. So here I was, alone.

Currently Ashley had a friend over, but when I say friend, it's not a real friend, it's a girl. All I could hear were her screams and the bed hitting off the wall repeatedly. It was disgusting, I wish he would stop. He could at least not do that when I'm here, but no.

I was trying to write an essay for English but my mind was blank, I had no idea what I was doing and I couldn't focus to save my life. I just felt so stressed- keeping an eye on the clock for the time I was taking to write this essay. I still wasn't anywhere close to being able to pay for those books I needed. I'd gotten them, but I was paying back the person that initially bought them for me.

My head was pounding, so I let myself relax a little, lay my head on my desk for just a split second...

Next thing I know, Ashley was shaking me, his friend was gone and it was time nearly dinner time. That must be why he woke me up, either that or he was bored and just wanted to torture me. But even in saying that, he hasn't been as rude to me lately, he's been a lot nicer. I'm not sure why, but I wasn't really complaining, I was fine with that if he wanted to be nice and not a rude dickhead.

"Andyyyyyy, wake up." Ashley whined in my ear, shaking my shoulder's repeatedly.

"Get off! I'm awake." I pulled away from his grip and looked up at the boy, my hair was a mess, I could feel it. I probably looked like shit too.

"Okay, but you gotta keep me company because I'm bored." Ashley told me, crossing his arms for effect; he was so childish and immature sometimes.

"Okay, whatever. I'm trying to write my essay for English, can you wait till I'm done? Please?" I begged him, because this was due in a couple days and I needed to get it done now, I couldn't afford to bring this in late, I'd be so dead if I did.

"Fine." Ashley pouted but then he lay down on my bed, "We're going to a party tonight, it's Saturday." He announced to me. This was news, and surprising... he's never invited me to a party before, I've not been to one here, or in high school for that matter.

"A party?" I questioned, looking back at my essay, it made sense to me now (the question), I managed to start writing, half listening to Ashley as I wrote down my answer.

"Yeah, a party Andy. It's at this guys house that goes here, he lives closeby, we can drink there, it'll be fun." He tried to convince me, and surprisingly after around half an hour of trying, he did manage it and I agreed to going with him. Not like I had much of a choice in the first place though, to be honest.


An hour later I was dressed in a long sleeved black v-neck and pair of black skinnies that sat low on my hips, my hair had been straightened and teased just enough so I looked feminine (almost). My makeup was black eyeshadow and blood red lipstick, I looked hot, almost like a girl, but I didn't really care, I just knew I looked good because when I showed Ashley, I could of sworn I saw him smirk and lick his lips briefly.

A short walk later and we were inside the house, there was music blaring, lights flashing and drunk college kids falling all over the place. A red solo cup was shoved in my hand almost within seconds of entering the building. I just let myself go, it would be nice to not think for a while, to just let go and go with the flow.

I got drunk way too fast, especially on red wine. I learned that the hard way after people had yelled at me to chug the bottle of wine I'd found in the wine fridge of this guys house. I could barely walk in a straight line and my vision was so blurry, my head felt like a weight on my shoulders.

But I wasn't the only one that was almost blackout drunk, half the people here were the same as me, stumbling about the place, looking for the comfort of another person, or just the feeling of the burning alcohol as it slid down your throat.

"You're gorgeous." A voice slurred in my ear, hands sliding down my hips, and I only fuelled the fire by leaning back against whoever was touching me, it was a man, and I wouldn't say no to that kind of touch tonight.

"Mmm, tell me about it." I purred in reply, turning round to face my 'victim' so to speak. The face vaguely registered in my mind, but I was too busy flirting with the male to care. "You're not too bad yourself." I hummed, leaving a kiss on the man's cheek as he led me over to the sofa, the only empty seat in the room.

"Oh god I want you." His voice sounded so familiar, his hands felt so rough as they grabbed my ass and pulled me down so I was straddling his lap.

It wasn't seconds before our lips were pushing against the others in a heavy, drunken, messy makeout session. It felt so good, even if it was disgusting, spit sliding down our chins and mixing together. Hands roaming over the other's body, sliding underneath the fabric. And fuck it did feel good, I couldn't deny that, and I was wondering why I'd been avoiding this, avoiding sex.

We were broken apart by the guy kicking us out his home, his parents would be home the next morning, so there couldn't be anyone there, or at least I'm pretty sure that's what he said. So the guy I'd been with just took me back to his place, and the walk seemed to register in my mind, but I wasn't really taking anything in. My lips and mind were too busy leaving marks all over the man's neck, marking him.

My back hit the sheets as he shoved me down roughly and my naked chest felt cold for a moment before I was covered by another body, lips sliding down my body, kissing almost every inch of me. I was too drunk to think properly about this, and apparently so was the guy I was with.

Before I knew what was happening, he was inside me, fucking me into the sheets, my legs wrapped around his waist as my throat became raw from the screams that escaped my intoxicated body.


My head felt so heavy as I woke up, there was puke on the floor beside me and the scent of the body beside me was so familiar, but I felt too sick to bother looking, so I just let myself drift off.


I wonder who Andy fucked...

~Jinxxthejinxxer ^,..,^

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