Chapter 5

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~Andy's POV~

I'd been avoiding coming out of my bedroom the next morning, my thighs were slashed up, and I felt incredibly sick and depressed all over again due to this dumb ass roommate of mine that happens to be incredibly attractive.

My body felt numb except for the area that stung with every move I made it felt like I was being burned. I'd cried myself to sleep to the sound of the party going on outside my door. This was terrible, but classes start the day after tomorrow so I figured I shouldn't sit and complain too much.

I looked around my room, vision bleary due to tears and my half swollen eyes, I needed to take some medicine for that, but medicine was in the kitchen. Of course it was.

I managed to drag myself out of bed and pull on some baggy sweatpants before I unlocked and opened the door. I felt so tired and sore. My feet dragged behind me as I made my way to the kitchen, there wasn't anyone left behind from the party, and Ashley's door was left wide open. He probably went back with some girl.

I found what I was looking for and took the recommended amount, two spoonfuls of 5ml. After that I just looked around tiredly, beginning to tidy up the messy room. I might as well; I have nothing better to do, not yet. I put on the radio and switched it to some rock station, so I listened to that as I cleaned up all the empty and half full bottles, then going on to wipe down all surfaces including the wooden floor.

That took me around 2 hours, and just as I finished up there was a knocking on the door. I answered it, only to be shoved aside as Ashley stumbled into the room; he was hung-over and looked pissed off. Maybe it was best if I went out today. I could go get coffee and draw, if I find a Starbucks or a quiet coffee place. That would be nice; I don't want to piss Ashley off any more than he already is.

So instead of mouthing off to him about shoving me, I just silently closed the door, turned the radio off and walked back into my own room. I picked out a black MIW shirt after searching for a little while; it had a little weird voodoo doll on it. It was Halloween themed, I liked it, and hence why I had it in my closet to begin with. I also got some plain black skinnies, no rips today. It's fucking cold and I have something that hasn't healed enough for me to wear ripped jeans yet.

I got myself into that, pulling on my platform converse before heading to the bathroom with my makeup and hair-kit. Ashley wasn't in here, but the room smelt faintly of puke so I ended up having to spray it with some air-freshener before actually getting started on my makeup. This consisted of some winged cat eyeliner and black eye shadow, heavy as hell eye shadow. I also put on some red lipstick before doing my hair and putting foundation on, as well as fixing my eyebrows so they were brushed properly. Had to look good in case I met any gay men, you never know. Maybe I'll have some cliché coffee shop meeting.

I was finished doing my makeup so I gathered up my make-up, straighteners and hairspray only to hear Ashley come out his room. Shit. My arms aren't covered; I'll just have to hope he doesn't notice the multiple scars due to how hung over he is. Luckily I got past him no problem, shrugging on a black oversized hoodie and a black and grey striped scarf. It was cold... so I also pulled on a beanie and black fingerless gloves. As you can tell, I like the colour black a little too much.

After this was done, I just headed out with my sugar skull backpack and wallet, phone, headphones. I was sorted, I'd just go find some place to sit and chill instead of being cooped up in the room all day, that wasn't exactly a very fun idea when there was so much I could do outside. I walked out into the cold, letting out a breath, seeing the air in front of me, damn, it's freezing.

It didn't take long to find a coffee shop that seemed rather empty but nice and cosy. So I headed inside there and ordered a caramel flavoured coffee before sitting down in the corner, in a booth to sit and draw morbid drawings in my notepad.

I did this for a long while, headphones in, head down, sipping my coffee every so often as I worked on a drawing of some creepy shit. I liked it; I have no idea what it was supposed to be though, maybe a bunch of cursed souls or something.

I was packing up my things to go back to the room when a gorgeous as hell man walked into the coffee shop. Our eyes locked for a split second and I felt my face heat up, gosh he looked so beautiful... his lips curved into a smile and he ordered a couple coffee's, 2 caramel flavoured coffee's before he headed straight over to sit opposite me. He passed me one of the drinks he'd just ordered.

"Thank you." I murmured, holding the cup with a smile.

He was tall, around my height, had short but long boyish hair, like an overgrown more poofed out pixie style, then his makeup was gorgeous; black eyeliner and purple/pink eye shadow around a heavy black colour. He was leaving me breathless; I didn't know what to say.

"Hi, I'm Devin." The boy smiled at me, sipping on his coffee slowly.

"Hello, Devin. I'm Andy." I smiled back, shyly. He seemed so nice, I at least wanted to be friends with him.

"That's a nice name- and hey, don't you go to Maple College? I saw you coming in the other day." Devin asked me with a small smile.

"Oh yeah, I joined just the other day. Got roomed with someone called Ashley Purdy." I sighed.

Devin's face fell, "Oh I'm sorry... I would offer you a room with me, I go to Maple too, but my boyfriend and I already have someone else staying with us, along with his own boyfriend." He giggled a little.

"You have a boyfriend?" I questioned, confused. "Then why did you buy me coffee?"

"You looked lonely and you seemed nice, I want to be friends." He chuckled, smiling at me showing his white teeth.

"Oh thank you..." My face felt like it was burning. "That was really nice of you."

"Oh it was nothing don't worry about it- but, you can hang around with my friends and I on Monday when college starts, I think they'd like you Andy." Devin told me.

"Oh thank you, can... what's their names?" I asked softly.

"Well, Ricky is my boyfriend, his last name is Olson. Chris Cerulli is my other friend; he's super tall, taller than you I think. Then his boyfriend is called Angelo Parente." Devin smiled, "I also have another friend called Josh, but everyone calls him Blaz, because that's his last name and it's kinda funny so it just stuck. And then there's Ryan Sitkowski, he's weird, but don't tell him I said that..." He shrugged with a giggle.

"Ah okay, well, I'd love to hang out with you guys thank you." I smiled.

We ended up talking for hours about random things, bands and the like. I realised after a little while that they were the band Motionless in White, he just told me they were attending College for a little while to learn some things about music for tours and whatnot. It made sense so I didn't question him.

The two of us exchanged numbers and headed back to the college with yet another coffee paid for by me this time, to repay the favour from before. Devin didn't object or try to tell me it was okay though, smart guy.

We parted ways when we reached our rooms, turns out his was on the same floor as Ashley and I, so, he invited me to come over anytime I liked, which was super nice.

I got into the room and ignored Ashley who asked what I wanted for dinner. I didn't want anything; I just went to my room and shut the door, locking him out. I didn't need his negativity right now.

I just sat alone in my room listening to Motionless as I tidied up and messed around on my guitar; it was calming and distracted me from my slight hunger that I felt.

I didn't have an eating disorder; I just don't like to eat. That's all...

At least that's what I keep telling myself but I fear that it may be turning into something worse, something that I won't be able to handle by myself. Oh well, I'm stuck here now.

AN:// Eh, I wanted to update this one again.

~Jinxxthejinxxer ^,..,^

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