Prince isn't a Prince

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It was far too early for class, but Chloe was in the hallway heading for her classroom. She figured that if she was early she'd see Prince and have the chance to pass him a note or tell him to meet her by the tree of the Seven at the end of the school day.

     As Chloe passed by students, she could hear their conversations die and them reduce to whispers. With the first three, she didn't pay any attention, but suddenly it was everyone doing it.

    She turned on her heels to look at them and be sure she wasn't just paranoid.

    The teens had their phones out and were glancing between their screens and then Chloe.


    Chloe's phone now was sending a text alert. She swiped the screen on.

【omg omg omg!! I was on the school forum and there was a pic of you! omg! I am sending it to you now! -SOLARA 】

    An image loaded just below Solara's text. It was a picture of Chloe and Prince standing close enough for her innocent touch to be misinterpreted. His cranberry jacket was just visible under his coat from the angle, but his face was blurred out. At the bottom of the picture, there was writing on it stating: CHLOE WHITE LIKES TO SEDUCE ELITE BOYS.

    She felt all the color drain from her face. She had hoped that she was mistaken about the camera, but here was the proof staring her in the face.

    Chloe had never seduced anyone; she didn't even know-how. She hadn't even received her first kiss!

     Before, Chloe walked the halls feeling vaguely camouflaged, but now everyone noticed her. She'd never been more visible in all her life. As each student passed they gave her a different look. Some looked on her with pity, others with strong disgust.

     "Desperate much?" A boy laughed as he passed her.

    The laughter felt louder and louder in her head. She couldn't take it anymore, she had to escape it. Chloe kept her head down and went into her empty classroom. She found a seat close to the back and buried her face into her arms.

     She had told Prince that she didn't want to be a secret, and he had warned her this would be the result. So she wasn't surprised, but that didn't mean that it didn't still hurt to be labeled by the entire school as a gold-digger.

    The classroom door opened.

     The sound of frantic footsteps rushed up the stairs followed by the squeaky voice of Solara saying, "I knew you were here! Sanford said you should still be at breakfast, but I was right and he was wrong."

     Chloe hadn't been crying, not yet anyway. She lifted her head up and looked into Solara's eyes. Solara threw her arms around Chloe, hugging her like a best friend.

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