Chapter 10

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Briana walked out the door once again and my heart shattered in a million pieces , and I couldn't take it.
I ran after her and grabbed her arm.

Briana - stop grabbing my arm !
Me- don't leave me
Briana- I need some time to think about us
Me- atleast stay here and I'll go , I really don't know what's wrong with me I need help Briana
Briana - I know ! But that don't give you know right to hurt me !
She was crying hard and I could hear the cracks in it , it breaks my heart
And in this moment I knew I loved her I don't what I was thinking the other day I wasn't in my right state of mind.

I grabbed Briana hand and said " just stay here , I'll go"
Briana - okay

I packed my bags up and I walked to the front door she was standing there with her arms folded and I tried to kiss her cheek but she pulled away from me before I walked out the door.

Briana - see you later bryshere.

I got in my car and drove to India's house as soon as I get there she looks at me in shock.
Me- I need a place to stay
India - a hotel wasn't available
Me- yea but I'd like to be more apart of my daughters life.
She smiled and hugged me and I asked her "you still got the guest room?"
She looked disappointed a little , I know she thought I was coming to be with her but I can't and I don't want to.
India - right this way.

When I got to the room I sat down looking staring at the blank wall feeling stupid
My phone rings and it was Briana calling with no hesitation I answered it
Me- hello ?
Her- you good ?
Me- yeah , I'm good
Her- where you staying ?
Me- at India's
Her- oh
Me- thanks for checking up on me
Her- no problem , love you
She hung up the phone before I could get another word in.

Even though I hate his ass I still couldn't go to sleep without saying that I loved him, why ? I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm scared that every time he leave or I leave I want ever see him a again , I mean given the shit we've been through you'd understand.

I went to sleep in the king sized bed that was too big for one person and I cried into my pillow and screamed  loud as I could my heart was loud and it started beating faster than normal and I couldn't take this pain it felt as I was choking on very breath that I breath , I cried until I feel asleep.

The next morning I woke up screaming I don't know why but I must've had a bad dream I don't remember, today was a lazy day for me , I don't have to worry about kids or cheating ass baby daddies though I do miss my BJ I'm picking him up tomorrow, I swear I can't be separated from him this long he's literally the only thing that makes sense in this world right now and I just need him in my arms right now but still I could use this lazy day , I called Chris so we could chill , nothing serious I just want to get to know him that's a all.
After an hour and a half of calling Chris he showed up
Me- hey
I hugged him
Chris - hey , how are you ?
Me- I'm good , you?
Chris - same
Me- I'm starving , you
Chris - I can cook if you want
Me- really?
Chris - yeah
He laughed
Chris - I took culinary classes in college
Me- amazing , how old are you ?
Chris- 25 , you ?
Me- 20
Chris - you're young
Me- not really , let me go get my cookbook
Chris - alright , cool
Me- we should make enchiladas
Chris - oh that's my favorites
Me- well enchiladas it is
Chris - I don't need the cookbook though
Me- alright
I laughed
After moments of cooking and getting to know each other . After trying Chris's sauce he made for the enchiladas (I called it nasty but I was lying it was the best thing I tasted in a long time. ) he smiled big and said
Chris - you're lying
And put the sauce on my nose
Me- you don't want to start a food fight with me
Chris - oh really ?
Me- yeah , I use to start those when I was in elementary school
Chris - should I be scared ?
I picked up the ranch and before I can squirt some the door bell rung
Me- I wonder who that can be.

I walked to the door and I looked through the peek hole and it was bryshere's physiatrist I opened the door and said " hey , what's up ?"
Dr. West - bryshere's misses his session la-
Chris - Candice ?!
I hear Chris say from a distance
Dr.- Chris ?
Chris came in back of me
Me- you guys know each other
Dr- I have to go
Me- no , come in , you were saying something ?
Dr- just give this to bryshere
She gave me a big yellow envelope
As she began walking away Chris chased behind her , the same way bryshere chased behind me last night , that must be her ex or something.Yikes.

Chris pov
I couldn't believe it , I can't believe it this doesn't seem real
Candice - I have nothing to say to you !
Me- let's talk
Candice - About what !?
Me- you're still the same bitter Candice
Candice - I'm actually happy , these past 5 years I've been happy without you Chris
Me- your eyes and the way you said my name says otherwise
Candice - what are you doing at my clients girlfriend's house
Me- cooking , we're just friends if you were wondering , probably be with Benefits before you showed up
Candice - and you're still the same hoe ass Chris
Me- I'm just joking
( not really )
Candice - it was nice seeing you
She began to walk off and and I pulled her in
Candice - let go of me Chris
Me- I've missed you , how you been ?
Candice - maybe if you let me go I can tell you
I let her go even though she obviously didn't want me to
Candice - I've been fine
I looked down at her lips and she looked down at mine and she kissed me I started kissing her back and the Sparks was still there , the love I have for her is still there
She pulled back and I said
Me- I've missed you , every single day , I've missed you
A tear fell from her eyes
Me- why are you crying ?
Candice - because , you're going to hate me
Me- what could you possibly do for me to hate you , you already stomped on my heart for 5 consecutive years
Candice -  I'm only telling you this to get it out the way , a month after you left me , I found out I was pregnant, you have a daughter Chris , her name is Amelia

In this moment I didn't know rather to be happy or angry I was happy yet sad it was truly a bittersweet moment.
Me - how could you , I , what ?! How huh I just what why , I can't even in
Candice - I am so sorry .
Me - Can I see her ?
Candice - ofcourse you can
Me- 5 years !! Candi God , what
Candice - I'm sorry ,
She said with tears running down her face
I wiped her tears and hugged her
We exchanged numbers and she had to go back to work.
I was there left confused and I felt as if my whole life was a lie I have a daughter I said then I smiled to myself.
I walked back in Briana's house and she smiled at me genuinely.
Briana - everything good?
Me- no but yeah , I just found out I have a 5 year old daughter
Briana - I'm sorry you're just finding that out
Me- what a coincidence
Briana- what ?
Me- that my baby mamma just so happened to show up at your baby daddy house the same time as me .
Briana - I guess the universe wanted something from us after all
Me- yeah
I smiled to myself

Baby Mothers #2 ( Bryshere Gray -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now