Part 2: How It All Began

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**3 Hours Earlier**

"Y/N! Can you deliver this letter to Mrs. Cover, please?"

You sighed. Your mothers voice could be heard from the kitchen, still somehow louder than the blender. You pushed yourself off the couch where you had been lounging, enjoying your favorite book. Beside you, the tv was broadcasting a new story that was "super important for the survival of mankind!". You rolled your eyes as the female anchor was shouting in a desperate tone, "Do not go outside! Unknown 09456 has recently escaped from the local prison in [Your hometown], and is still on the loose today! If you see Unknown 09456, do not make eye contact! They have been known to-" But you reached down and switched off the television before she could finish speaking. As far as you were concerned, it was all fake and stupid.

You strode into the kitchen where your mother was mixing some fruits together in a blender. She looked back over her shoulder as you entered, and it amazed you that she could hear you enter the kitchen at all with all the noise. She smiled warmly, keeping one hand on the blenders top and the other holding it in place. She gestured with her chin to a letter sitting on the kitchen table. "Mrs. Cover wants me to pay her for the pumpkins early," Your mother sighed. "I can't understand why she can't just wait a bit, or at least until the weather's nicer for travel."

You shrugged, reaching over to pick up the letter. "It's not too bad, mom. I can make it."

She looked at you with concern. "Are you sure, sweetheart? I could drive it over tomorrow if you don't want to go out." Distracted, her hand lifted slightly off the blenders top, causing juiced fruit bits to fly out. She screamed in surprise, and slammed the lid back down.

You laughed lightly, shaking your head at her. "It's fine. Really." You tried to use your best reassuring voice with her.

She sighed, clearly accepting defeat. The hanging radio that was right by the back door was also broadcasting the same news as the tv had been. Your mother nodded towards it. "Could you humor your worried mother and change it to the weather? I wanna see how bad it'll be."

You did as she asked, and a different anchor, this time a man, was reporting the weather for the rest of the evening. "Slightly cloudly until later tonight at around six, where some dark thunderstorm clouds are coming in from the north. Expect heavy rain and lots of lighting tonight."

Your mother pursed her lips together, thinking. But you had already made up your mind. You headed over to the coat closet by the edge of the kitchen, yanking open the door and reaching in to grab your new long winter coat you had gotten for your birthday. You pulled down your rainbow scarf and poofy hat from the bin at the top of the closet and were putting them on as your mom groaned. You looked to her in alarm, but it quickly turned to amusement. She was attempting to clean off her smock, brushing off fruit bits and putting them in the trash. You laughed. "Mom, that's what a smock is for."

She gave you a sideways look, as if to say "no duh", and straightened up, turning to her creation. It was a mucky green color, much like puke. Your mom made a face at it and groaned again, dumping the contents into the sink. You gave her a reassuring smile. "Better luck next time?" You offered.

"Whatever," She said, leaning over and giving you a quick kiss on your cheek before starting to untie the smock. "Be careful out there."

"I will," You replied with a sigh, slowly inching towards the front door.

"Do you remember how to get there? Maybe I should come with you..." She continued, her voice trailing off.

You shook your head quickly. "No need! I know where I'm going!" You were already at the front door now, your hand on the doorknob.

She gave you a final look, assessing your outfit. When she was finished, she nodded at you, turning back to the kitchen sink. You were about to head out the door when you heard a quick "Wait!". You turned around in time to see your phone flying at your face. Instinct kicked in, and you snatched it out of the air.

Your mother breathed out a sigh of relief, looking at you with a guilty expression. "Sorry, honey. I thought that would be a better toss."

You laughed again at her, smiling one last time before opening the door to the cold November winds outside. The door behind you closed shut with a "bang!", but you could barely hear it over the howling wind. You wrapped your scarf closer around your neck as you stepped off of the path, the leaves underfoot crunching and your boots sinking into the wet grass and dirt as you maneuvered your way out onto the path that would lead through the woods to Mrs. Covers property.

Mrs. Cover was your only neighbor for miles, as you both lived in a densely wooded area. Mrs. Cover became very rich after her fourth husband died of a heart attack, and she payed for all the woods to be her own so the city wouldn't knock them down for their "own selfish uses", she had claimed. As much as you respected her for her devotion to the wildlife, you did slightly despise her as well. She was a very cranky old woman, not to mention very strict. She had no children of her own, and she thought you and your mother were "unwanted hippies". Of course, you and your mom had laughed it off after she had announced that one afternoon at a local benefit for the blind, but she still refused to change her opinion.

You shook your head at the thought, your long black hair coming into view of your face. You lifted on hand and brushed it behind your ear, looking up for a moment to make sure you were going the right way before lowering your head again due to the wind.

As you walked, your thoughts began to carry some more. Your other neighbor, the Wilson's, had two sons, Jasper and Ethan. Both were your age, and both were super friendly compared to Mrs. Cover. The three of you hung out all the time. You considered going over there right now, but remembered that this was important to your mom and kept going.

You pulled out your phone to check the time: 5:45.

You had fifteen minutes or so before the alleged "bad weather" began. The weathermen had been wrong so many times before that you had started to rely on just going outside and looking up at the sky to determine the temp for the day. Granted, you weren't always correct. But that didn't matter.

You sighed happily, remembering a time when you, Jasper, and Ethan had gone to a nice clear spot in the woods to have a picnic. The sun had shone brightly through the treetops, and the three of you were laughing and smiling the whole time. "You guys heard of the new guy at the prison? Unknown 09456?" Ethan had asked after we had gotten out the sandwiches, standing up to make a point.

You put your hand over your eyes to shield them from the sun, looking up at him and giggled. "No. What about him?" While laying beside you, Jasper snickered.

Ethan continued, brightening up at your interest in his outburst. "They say he killed a couple young girls just your age, [Nickname your friends use]." You rolled your eyes. If he was trying to scare you, it wasn't working.

"Where did you hear that bullcrap?" Jasper said, raising his eyebrow while taking a bite out of his turkey sandwich.

"Duh. The news." Ethan replied matter-of-factly.

You took a bite of your own sandwich, looking spectacle. "And how many times have they been incorrect?" You teased.

Ethan's face fell. "A lot...." He muttered.

Just then, maybe by pure chance, or by what Ethan had exclaimed as "Unknown's Curse", rain began to pound down. You screamed, darting forward to stuff the food back into the basket as you and the boys began to clean up and ran as fast as you could towards the Wilson's house.

You snapped back to reality as a twig snapped a few feet away from you. You grinned, thinking it was Ethan and Jasper. "Haha, guys. I know it's you."

But there was no reply. You shrugged it off until another twig sounded very close. You stopped walking, looking around. "Guys?..."

Still no reply.

You shivered, but told yourself it was because of the wind.

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