Noah? Is that you?

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Riley's POV
"Look!....look!" Said Skylar excitedly, pointing at the tablet.
"Look what this guys posted!" She squealed. Ugh that was loud. I hold my ear in pain as Skylar taps quickly on the tablet before pulling up a video. The screen was black. I held my breath along with the other dancers....
       Suddenly the black started to fade and an image of a young boy in the middle of a city square appeared. The boy has messy dark brown hair and a muscular build. Is that? No it cant be!.....Noah? I looked round to face James to see him looking at me with shock. I quickly look round at the rest of the dancers to see them wearing the same expression. I look at the tablet once more. Noah stood in the middle of a raised surface in the centre. He stood with his legs wide apart, his head facing downward and his arms out wide behind him. In front of him was a guitar case and a hat, circling him was a loud crowd.
      There was talking and mumbling until the sound of music was heard. Then it went quiet. Was he going to dance? Noah slowly lifted his head forward before suddenly doing a back flip.WOW! My eyes widened in surprise. I watched as Noah flipped and danced his way to the end of the song. I couldn't take my eyes off him. The tempo of the song started to lower until it stopped. Noah stood with his arms wide in the air, his eyes glistened with happiness and his mouth stretched wide into a smile. The crowd erupted into cheers and dropped money into the grey, damaged hat at his feet. The video turned black again. In small writing underneath the video was the sentence.
The studio was silent. There was a thick tension in the air. Noah? I'm in shock. My legs start to wobble and before I know what's happening I have dropped to the ground. That broke the tension.
"Riley!" Shouted James. He ran over to me, lifting me up by the arms and giving me a hug. He strokes my hair and whispers
"Are you ok?" I don't answer him. I'm still in shock. I look over to see everyone else still standing around Skylar. Everyone is quiet until Miss Kate walks over to her and asks.
"Can you message the person who posted the video and ask them where they took it?"
Skylar nods her head but stands still staring at the floor. Miss Kate looks at her with confusion.
"Skylar? Could you do it now?"
Skylar looks up before saying.
"Oh! Yeah sure" with that she walks over to one of the benches. Miss Kate then turns around to look at the rest of the dancers. She nervously plays with her hands.
"While Skylar is doing that, there is no point in doing anything so you can have the day off while we wait"
We stand there in silence, no one moves a muscle. The only sound which could be heard was Skylar tapping quickly on the screen of her tablet. James stops stroking my hair to grab one of my hands. I look up at him and flash him a quick smile Skylar then looks up and says quietly.
"It's done.."
We all turn to face her. Miss Kate walks over to her to check that she had sent the message. After a quick nod she turns to us.
"Now we wait...."

Thank you for reading 😘

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