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Noah's POV
There is total silence. The boys had sat down in front of me moments ago and yet they had failed to utter one single word since. In fact most couldn't even look at me. Max was staring out the window, Hunter was staring at Emily, Eldon was scanning through a menu and James and West were staring at their hands which were clasped in front of them. Ugh why don't they just say something......this wait is making me so on edge. Do you know what, if they are to embarrassed to speak first then maybe I should. My first word was at the tip of my tongue when I suddenly heard a quiet voice.
"Soooo.....a baby, huh"
James. He looked up at me, staring into my eyes intensely. That took me a back. All the confidence I had before suddenly left. I looked down at the oak table in front of me before nodding and mumbling 'yeah'. There was total silence, for a few more moments all that could be heard was the squealing from the rest of the girls. Then there was a new voice.
"Dude......I'm so sorry. This is all my fault"
I looked up to see everyone staring at Hunter. Sorry? How was this your fault? I'm pretty sure me and Richelle made the baby, no one else. He continued on.
"It was me dude.....I put the alcohol in the punch! I'm the reason you and Richelle....ya know. I'm the reason you guys left. I'm the reason that we are here right now in this cafe"
What? So he did it! He spiked the punch. I felt the anger bubble inside of me. I clutched my hands tight until my knuckles went white. I can't believe him. How could he be so stupid? I was about to speak when suddenly there was a BANG!
        I watched as Hunter fell to the floor clutching at his jaw. James stood over him- his knuckles were red and positioned ready to hit. All talking immediately stopped and soon we were all staring at them. Sophia began to cry at the new found quietness but soon was calmed down by Richelle. Emily and Riley both ran to their boyfriends. Emily slid to the floor taking Hunters face into her hands and staring at the red mark while Riley went over to James and took his clutched hand into her own, turning his face to look at her.
"What do you think you are doing, punching someone in the face like that huh?
Said Emily angrily staring at James.
James turned his head to look at her, his eyes were hard and he stared angrily at her.
"Your boyfriend was the one who spiked the punch at the internationals party! It was your boyfriend who drove Noah and Richelle away. It's all his fault!"
There was a thick tension after that. No one said a word. Emily turned around to Hunter before softly asking him.
"Is that true?"
Hunter continued to stare down at the floor not saying a word. He couldn't bare to admit it. But his silence was the only confession he gave. Everyone stared at him with looks of disbelief, that is until a quiet cry pierced though the air. Sophia. She started to scream from inside the comfort of Richelles arms but Richelle did nothing to calm her down. She continued to stare at Hunter with her eyes filled with water until suddenly she turned around and raced out of the cafe. I quickly got out from my chair grabbing our stuff and raced after her shouting
I didn't look back. I didn't wait to watch my friends faces as they came to the realisation that Hunter was the one who started this all. The reason we were away from home. Although I felt nothing but anger towards hunter, a small tiny part of me was happy he spiked the punch. He was the reason me and Richelle were together, the reason we had Sophia, he was the reason for so much happiness in my life .

Sorry it's a short chapter. I actually quite like this chapter it was the first time the boys were actually featured a lot and it was actually so much fun writing so much drama. I hope you guys like it.

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