Moving in

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Over 7k guys!! That is amazing! I remember when I first got like 1k views and it was only a month ago. I am honestly shocked at how fast this story is going and how many views it is getting. I love you guys

Richelle's PoV
After all that happened yesterday, everyone thought it would be best to just cancel the party. Me, Noah and Sophia decided to go round to Nancy's house. It's so big! There is a big a garden for Sophia to play in when she gets bigger and more bedrooms than I can count.
      We called aunt Nora to tell her the news. She was happy for us but by the tone of her voice on the phone call I could tell she would miss us greatly. She is going to start packing some of our stuff so we can move into Nancy's as soon as possible. All we need to do is organise a moving truck to bring all our stuff down!
      Right now Nancy is giving us-well more me, considering it is Noah's home-a more detailed tour around the house.
"So darling, here is the main bathroom. It's rarely used considering Noah and my room already have a separate bathroom. This is the only one with a big bath, so I'm guessing it's more for you and Sophia if Noah is hogging the bathroom! Which will probably be most days because Noah spends hours working on that hair eh!"
She said leaning into me quietly and nudging my shoulder.  She then stood up on her tippy toes to ruffle Noah's hair. I giggled bouncing Sophia in my arms watching as Noah flinched back at her touch.
"Oi mum, don't touch! This took me ages this morning!"
Nancy doubled over laughing and nudged me.
"Do you see what I mean?"
I giggled at Noah's confused expression.
"Oh and so this is one of our guest bedrooms! It's mainly used for when my parents come round but that usually isn't a lot. Anyway this is the room I want to show you!"
She placed her hand on the handle of one of the many doors in the corridor before pushing it open. When the door opened I was immediately blinded by the sunlight streaming through a large window. After blinking once, twice, I was able to look around the room. I gasped at the sight I saw! It was painted a light purple. A small double bed sat proudly in the middle against a wall with two paintings of flowers. Over in the corner a dainty vanity sat unused with a mirror. Beside the bed sat two side cabinets holding little lamps. While the floor was wooden with a big fluffy white rug. Overall the room was beautiful! Prettier than my room back at my old house. 
       I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned. There I saw Nancy staring at me with glistening eyes and a small smile.
"This your room and most likely Sophia's room for now!"
I stared at her with shock and not the happy shock she might have been expecting. What? Umm. I thought.....well I kind of expected me an Noah to share a room. I look over at Noah to see him looking at me with expectation. He mouthed 'tell her'.
Really Noah? She's your mum.
I coughed before saying.
"Oh umm Nancy...well you see....the room is very pretty, beautiful even......but umm me and Noah....we are kinda used to umm sleeping in one room.....together."
I watched as her face started to turn red at the thought. She removed her hand from my shoulder, clasping her hands together and fiddling with them.
She said. All was quiet for a few minutes. An a awkward tension filled the air. Finally Nancy said.
"Oh well, maybe I should show you Noah's room then. Follow me!"
She leaned behind me to grab the handle and close the door. Then she walked down the hall and stopped at a door near the very end.
"Here we go!"
I grabbed Noah's hand and watched as the door flew open. We walked a little into the room. The walls were a soft blue with a hint of white. A big window covered one wall completely and had a view over the city. A big double bed sat in the middle of the room. The covers were nearly ironed and the cushions were placed perfectly in the middle of the bed. There was a built in wardrobe on the wall facing the bed and on the doors was mirrors instead of wood. Oh that is perfect! I'll be able to check my outfits from every angle. A small desk sat quietly in the corner littered with magazines from a year ago. My eyes traced over the room once more before landing on Noah's face. His eyes were wide and glazed. His mouth dropped open and his eyebrows were furrowed. I could feel his grip on my hand get tighter. From behind me I heard Nancy utter.
"I'll leave you two to it, then! I'll call you down for dinner soon."
She then closed the door. There was a silence in the air for a few minutes and we did not move. However we were soon disrupted by Sophia who started to cry. I walked over to the bed in the middle and placed Sophia down gently on it. I softly rubbed her belly and cheek and watched as she calmed down and fell into a deep slumber. That was quick! Thank goodness!
I stared at her for a few minutes with complete adoration. She is so precious and so tiny. I can't believe she is mine. I feel the tears start to gather in my eyes so I turn away from her to look at Noah. I look over to where we were standing to find him not there. After scanning the room, I find him in the corner beside the desk, putting something small into one of the drawers. I furrow my eyebrows before asking.
"Noah, what are you doing?"
He slams the drawer shut quickly before turning without hesitance to look at me.
"Oh what umm nothing."
He said quickly. He scratched the back of his head before walking towards me.
His long strides means he is in front of me in a matter of seconds. He looks down at me before grabbing my hand and laying me gently on the bed to one side. He then grabbed Sophia from her spot on the end of the bed and crawled in beside me. He moved closer so that Sophia was squashed in the middle and he could put his hand around my waist. I've missed this! He gently pulled his hand up from my waist, along my shoulder and up to my hair before pulling some of it out of my face. He then placed it on my cheek, softly rubbing circles. Oh that nice! I closed my eyes in pleasure before opening them to look into his eyes.
"I love you Noah"
He looks at me with adoration before softly leaning into me and placing a gentle kiss to my lips.
"I love you to Richelle"
He then grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, placing them on Sophia's belly.
"I love both of you"
He said placing a gentle kiss on Sophia's cheek. She flinched back at the touch of the little stubble littering Noah's chin. Awe Noah! I softly placed a kiss on her cheek too before leaning down on the pillow beside her head and closing my eyes. I drifted off slowly to the calming sound of Sophia's breath quietly beside my ear and Noah rubbing circles into the back of my hand. Oh this is perfect! I wish I could stay like this for ever.

Enjoy guys, this was a pretty long one but I just had to include the scene at the end. Also I'm thinking about ending this story in the next chapter and starting a sequel. What do you think?
Love crazyredhead

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