Coming home

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Over 5k guys!!!! That is amazing! It seems like everytime I update I get another 1k views! Also sorry this was late, I've had exams for the past week or so and I still have more next week too....ugh. Anyway enjoy!

Skylars PoV
We went home last night after talking to Noah and Richelle. But before we did, we made an arrangement.....
They are coming back today! As in about a few minutes time! Agh I'm so excited. Right now we are all in the A studio. Along the wall is a banner saying 'Welcome home Noah and Richelle' and in the corners are balloons. When we arrived home yesterday, we decided we should throw a welcome home party for nochelle and their new arrival. Of course we got everyone involved including j troupe and b troupe. They were all shocked to hear that they were coming home however we didn't tell them about Sophia. We thought it should be a surprise!
Everyone is waiting at the tables, excited mumbling can be heard all around. We have to be careful with the party. We have to make sure Noah and Richelle's parents don't find out about it or the police! I go to sit beside Becca at a table filled mostly with J troupers. When I sit, I am greeted by welcoming hellos.
"I can't believe they are coming home!" Said a very excited Becca. Beside her sat Josh, who looked at her with adoration before saying.
"I can't believe they were only an hour away!!"
I nodded my head in agreement before glancing nervously at the door. They should be here by now! Where are they?
"So have they changed much? I'm pretty sure they will have, I mean it has been nearly two years" said Camille, clasping her hands in front of her. The words are on the top of my tongue but I'm disrupted by the sound of the door being opened.
OMG! They are here! I don't take my eyes of the door but answer Camille softy.
"Why don't you ask them?" I point towards the door and watch as everyone follows my arm to look at where I was pointing. The room is silent as we wait for the moment we can see their faces. We did not have to wait long. They soon come tumbling around the corner only to be greeted by a gasp of shock from B troupe and J troupe.
Richelle is dressed in a plain white dress with nude flats. Her hair was curled and her make up was minimal. On the other hand Noah is dressed in a blue shirt and black trousers. I'm guessing what the others were looking at most was Sophia, who was fast asleep in her pink stroller in a cute white dress to match Richelle.
The studio is silent for a few minutes before Noah breaks it by saying
There is still silence, so I decide to do something about it. I slowly get out of my chair, allowing it to scrape loudly against the wooden floor before walking over to Noah and Richelle. I grab them both into a tight hug and ask them
"So guys, how was the trip down here?" Noah scratches the back of his head before saying
" was alright. As good as an hour car journey can be with a young baby."
"Oh Noah! You need to get used to it because I want to see Sophia every day"
I say jokingly. I laugh as he looks at me with a look of disbelief painted on his face. I turn my head to Richelle when she asks.
"So what's all this then-" she says pointing to the banner and people "-are you trying to tell the whole world that we are back!" she looks concerned. Of course she is, she was probably wanting a quiet reunion.
"I'm sorry Richelle, we thought you would like seeing all of your old friends. We made sure your parents and the police don't know anything about it" I look at her sadly. She puts her hand on my shoulder before saying.
"It's ok Skylar, I just wasn't expecting it that's all. I really appreciate it. Thank you" she gives me a small smile before quickly bringing me into a quick hug.
I am painfully aware of the hundreds of eyes burning holes into my back so I decide to do something about it. I turn back around before bending down beside the stroller and loudly exclaiming.
"Come on guys! Come meet her. She won't bite!"
I say pointing to Sophia. No one moves. Or so I thought....because before I know it I suddenly have J troupe surrounding me. Josh, Chad and Tanner have all gathered around Noah and are patting him on the back and giving him one armed hugs while Gabi, Becca and Camille have gathered around Richelle and Sophia.
Ok that was quick! Soon a quiet laughter had taken over the silence as everyone happily talked about nochelle and their baby. I directed Richelle and Sophia to an empty table over in the corner and soon we joined by all the girls.
"OH MY GOSH RICHELLE!! You were pregnant. You had a baby!" Said Camille excitedly.
Richelle giggled before saying
"How could I forget, the labour was torture!" She said with a laugh.
"Well at least you had Noah with you, how was he?" Said Michelle with a smile. Richelle raised her eyebrows before saying incredulously.
"Noah-" she pointed her head towards him "Noah was panicking like crazy, made me more nervous than I probably was, all he did was pace up and down. In the end his aunt Nora had to direct him to sit beside me and hold my hand while reminding him that me and the baby were the most important thing at the moment, not digging a hole into the floor" she said laughing.
We all giggled before we were disrupted by Sophia who had just woken up. Richelle lent down and gently picked Sophia up and into her arms. For a few moments she rocked her back and forth until she had calmed down. We all watched with wide eyes as she soothed Sophia in a matter of minutes without even breaking a sweat. She has really taken to motherhood! It's hard to believe she is only seventeen, she acts so much older. Gabi nervously licked her lips before asking.
"What's her name?"
Oh yeah I forgot, they don't know her name. Richelle looked up from staring into Sophia's face before saying.
"Her name is Sophia" she said proudly. Gabi, Camille and Becca cooed at the name before Gabi asked.
"Can I hold her?" She said nervously.
"Yeah sure" Richelle was getting ready to hand Sophia over to Gabi when suddenly there was a loud BANG. There was silence once more as we watched two middle aged women burst through the door and shout.

Ok so I'm not sure about this chapter, at least Noah and Richelle are finally home. I'm so happy about that because I am painfully aware about five chapters were based in the cafe. So yeah.....
Anyway who do you think the women are?

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