PWS Chapter 1

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My eyes opened to the bright morning light. The air conditioning blew the covers off my nimble legs. My hello kitty clock blinked the time 8:00 am. My wet hair from the shower the night before was still damp. I stared at the ceiling, and closed my eyes: Lord help me through this.

I dragged myself out of my queensize silky bed, turned my lights on, and walked on to the cold marble bathroom floor. In the mirror I saw a girl, with sweatpants, and a tank top, an average high school junior ready to go to prom.

As I walked out of the bathroom I start to smell the chocolate chip pancakes my mom loves to make for me and my brother for special occasions. I go my way down the stairs till I get interrupted by mom.

"Um where do you think your going? I'll bring your food up but remember... do not let Dad and Chase see you!! Now go up and get ready for to go next door. I am so excited for you!!!" she rambled and peeped that conversation before I even could argue with her.

So I rolled my eyes and trekked my way back up the stairs. All I could hear was my dad's deep voice talking to Chase, my seventeen year old brother.

"When you pass the ball, you gotta extend your hand and flick. That will increase the spin on the football. "

My father and Chase have that all American dad and son relationship. They seriously talk about everything from football to girls to making jokes about me and my mom. And it is the same with me and my mom. But instead with cheer leading and boys. Together we are the so-called perfect family besides the many fights I have with Chase.

My mom comes up with the pancakes and she smiles at me and I smile back as she gives me a mouthwatering full plate of chocolate chip pancakes. Then she goes downstairs and I start chomping on them, eating the carbs away.

Chase's first prom was last year. He was nervous as I am. I mean I over exaggerate a lot but he still had some sweats on his face the morning of prom. At least I'm not going alone. I'm going in a group. Kylie Green and Jack Hopkins; Dominique Green and Adam Hopkins; Chase and Julia Hopkins; and me and Shane Green. I'm the youngest out of all of them. Everyone is a senior while I'm a junior. I've known these people for my whole life so of course I'd be going with them.

See my brother and Shane were born on the same day. Best friends since day 1. Shane's older sisters are Kylie and Dominique and are my older sisters too if I had any. Adam and Jake are brothers but are from a different family. And their little sister , Julia, is my best friend. Our family have gone way back, back to high school. It's amazing they aren't tired of each other yet.

But Shane and I are the only ones who actually "like like" each other, I think. I think he likes me. I know I like him. Shane and I have been best friends since he first came to our house for a play date. Our parents have always told us we should get together and I agreed, silently, but I always left it up to him. But today he made the first move up in our whatever relationship we have. He asked me to prom but as friends. Hopefully we'll be something more. That's what scares me.

Anyways the fathers are supposed to take the guys to my house while the mothers are supposed to take us, girls, to Mrs. Green's house at around 10 am. Then the guys will come at 4pm to Mrs. Green's house for the pre-prom party to see and get us.

This is pretty easy because we all live on the same block. The Greens live next to us and the Hopkins live two doors down. And we all go to the same school of course, Lakeshore High, the home of the Lakeshore Lions. Rawwrr!

After I ate all my pancakes, I glanced at the clock and it was already 9:30am when the doorbell rang, it was the Greens. It amazes me that even though we live right next to each other the Greens are always early. This definitely freaks out my mom because the mother's tradition is not to have the boys see the girls until 4:00.

I heard her open the door and I heard Shane's sweet but deep voice with his father's loud laugh.  

My mom then yells to me, "Ariii!!! Grab your stuff!! We are going next door!! "

I left the plate of syrup, that was all what was left, on my bed and pulled on my uggs and kept on my sweats and put on Shane's sweatshirt he gave me at our last bonfire. It smells like him, a fruity but tangy smell that I secretly love. He said that I could have it after we got home , so don't think I'm a stalker or anything.

As I gathered my dress and makeup and curlers, I ran down the stairs. And before I could say hi to Shane, my mother pushed me out the door and into the chilly weather. 


hey ya'll!! I hope you enjoy the first chapter. I know it wasn't much of a story but more of a layout but the next chapter will definitely be more of a story!!



Please, let me know how I'm doing!!

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