PWS Chapter 8

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Shane's P.O.V.

As I entered my house, it was filled with the smell of Mexican food. Ari's favorite and my favorite too. Ari and the girls are probably dying of hunger. My mom is a loon about prom, along with the other moms. I mean why can't I see Ari while we're getting ready. It's literally killing me that I haven't see her beautiful pure face.

Once we all entered the house, we were surrounded by cameras and people. The stuffiness of the people was killing me. And ugh, I hate cameras. Too much flashing and too much attention. It's better to enjoy the experience now then appreciate it in pictures later.

My mom then pushed me and Chase together,

"Let's get the future brother in laws together!" she yelled.

"Mom!! Really?!" I said. I can't believe she just said that.

"Now Shane..." my dad eyed me.

"Alright, alright." I rolled my eyes and stood side by side with Chase.

"Say cheese, brother in law!" Chase yelled. I laughed and smiled at the many cameras.

"Now group shot!!" my future mother in law said. I smiled at the thought. Spending my whole life with Ari. That sounds nice.

Through all the picture taking, all of us guys could only hear,

"You look so handsome"

"My baby is growing up!"

"Hold still!"

The normal reactions of a big crowd full of church goers and school goers.

As the mothers were taking pictures of Adam and Jack, Chase and I looked longingly upstairs.

"Man, I can't wait any longer!" Chase admitted.

"Yeah. I just wanna see her come down so that I can take her in my arms and..." I rambled.

"...kiss her? Agreed." Chase interrupted.

"Man I do too." said by an unfamiliar voice.

Chase and I turned around and my body suddenly tensed up and my fists clenched. Carl Hawkhouser.

"Or at least just Ari. Jules is not my type." Carl smirked his ugly smirk.

"In your dreams man." Chase shrugged him off.

"Oh indeed it is." Carl replied. Now I knew he was just getting me mad on purpose. Are you kidding me right now??!!

"Stay away from Ari. I mean it." I threatened. I am NOT letting Carl the creeper ever get near Ari.

"Or what? What are you going to do me?" he calmly challenged me. My anger rose within me and my teeth clenched.

"Oh I'll have plenty to do!" as I lunged at him but before I could get a hit, Chase stepped in between us.

"Ok guys. Let's not make a scene." he warned.

"I won't, watch out for this one." Carl sly smiled and pointed to me and left the scene.

I finally became loose as he left.

"Thanks bro." I said.

"Hey what's brother in laws for" Chase joked.

We then walked over to the food and grabbed a plate. We were starved.

"Hold up!! Hold up!!" my mom and Auntie Bel squealed. They then got two napkins and tucked the napkins into our shirts.

"Mommm!!" we both complained.

"What?! We are not risking anything tonight." Auntie Bel said as they walked off.

We rolled our eyes and started grabbing at the food.

After an hour of eating and socializing with the crowd. It was time. My hands started shaking. I couldn't wait to see Ari. But what would I say that wouldn't embarrass me completely?

I took out the napkin off my chest and wiped my mouth. I cupped my hand toward my mouth and smelt it. Ehh, taco breath.

I felt like a dork doing all these things but as I looked at the other guys, they were doing it too. Except for Adam, who was reapplying his man lotion.

We then all looked at each other and smiled. Let's do it!

Our moms started hushing and Kylie came down slowly and I quickly grew impatient.

I mean how slow can she possibly go, like dude, our grandma can walk faster than that.

As Kylie finally ascended down the stairs, she winked at me and mouthed the words,

"She looks beautiful." and she then walked away with Jack.

I'm pretty sure she is. I just wanna see her for myself.

As Domo came hysterically down, I thought she was trying too hard to be funny. And Jules, of course was beautiful. And then the moment came, Ari.

As she stepped down, my heart stopped. She was beautiful-no, gorgeous-no, hot-no, exquisite-no...ugh I don't know. The words can't describe how gorgeous she looks. I can't believe she's mine. Wait, she's not mine...yet. Her beautiful curled hair, her long flowing gown, and her stunning skin glowed in the room. My breath was taken away.

As she ascended down, I could secretly see her white hightop converse. Typical Ari. I loved that about her. She was never a high heel girl but a converse one. A girl who's simple but still classy.

I chuckled at her and she sweetly smiled that lovable smile. I just wanted to grab her and kiss her so badly. My guy hormones are on fire. Lord help me.

I didn't bother pay any attention to the people around me. I was focused on her and only her. I could hear awes and oohs but other than that, nothing else mattered. I'm taking this gorgeous girl to prom, and no else.

When she got to me, I held her so close. The smell of her fruity hair, was to die for. I wanted to take her home and have her be mine already.

I then whispered in her ear slowly,

"Your breath taking" I could tell she liked that as I could see goosebumps on her arms.

I then grabbed her waist tightly and pulled her close to me, and basically carried her on my side and to the backyard.

She was definitely surprised at that as she giggled her sweet giggle and grasped my torso tightly.

Man am I in love or what?


The next chapter is in Ariel's P.O.V. I hope y'all enjoyed.



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