PWS Chapter 9

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Ariel's P.O.V.

As I ascended down the stairs, I saw him. Shane. He was so handsome and his beautiful smile glimmered at me, which made me blush. Apparently, this made him smile even more and then caused me to blush even more. I'm such a dork.

The crowd of people awed, oohed, and snapped pictures, but all I cared about was Shane. And he seemed to agree as well as he never looked away from me.

As I got to the last few steps, my white hightop converse were showing and I quickly hid them under my dress. But I was too late, Shane already saw them and he cackled at me, shaking his head. I giggled at him, which made him kind of jump with glee. It was so cute as I blushed even more causing myself to look down.

But as I looked down, I felt a tight grasp on my waist and I was suddenly carried off of my feet. I looked at Shane. He had that hunger look in his eye. And by the smell of his hinted taco breath with a listerine strip, I knew it wasn't for food.

Shane then whispered in my ear,

"Your breath taking"

By the way he said it my body became full of chills. I kinda liked it. And he knew that too because he then carried me off in his side, secretly, and to the backyard.

I giggled all the way as we stood near Jules and Chase. I smiled at them and then looked back at Shane. He kept his eyes on me, not letting his gaze wander.

This made me blush even more. Embarrasased, I hid my face by looking down to my converse.

But all of a sudden, Shane picked up my chin, so that my face could look at him, with his warm hand. And he then whispered again,

"Don't look down. I don't wanna miss a thing"

I bit my lip. His lips were so close to mine. I wanted him. And by the look of his eyes, he wanted me too. He leaned in, but before our lips touched Thunder ran in between us, got on his hind legs and stood up putting his paws on Shane, licking him.

We both laughed.

"Hey boy. How's it going?!"

"Awww, he wants to go with you to prom too!!" I squealed. Shane laughed at this with me until Chase got Thunder off.

"Come on boy. Shane loves you but he loves Ari more ok??" Chase blurted out.

What did he just say? Shane loves ... me.

"Broooooo?!?!? Really?!" Shane interjected. I could see Shane blush himself. His legs kept on moving and he rustled his hands in his hair. He was embarrassed.

"Oh!!! My bad bro!!" Chase said as he blushed as well. Is it true?

" love me?" I sincerely asked.

Shane turned in regret to Chase and then to me. His beautiful dark brown eyes were easy to get lost in. His hands grabbed mine and he cleared his throat. He was nervous.

He then nodded yes slowly.

"Ever since I laid eyes on you when we were two on that play date. I know you might not feel the same way. I was gonna wait until it was the perfect time. So if you don't feel the same-

"I do." I interjected, "I mean, I do love you. I love you back." I whispered.

His smile grew across his face and his eyes lit up. Just him smiling gave me the chills. He then leaned closer and closer to me about to kiss me, but then

"I got the corsages!!!" Auntie Anne squealed.

Shane rolled his eyes as he turned away from me to his mom. I mean I wanna get the corsages on but I want Shane more.

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