Episode 3: Exorcist

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Yamamoto went to the baseball pitch to practise and Tobi was no-where to be found so Matt walked with Tsuna and Gokudera. They were walking down to the restaurant for food when there was a rustling in the bushes. Gokudera drew several sticks of dynamite ready for battle and even Tsuna and Matt were able to get into stances for battle. As they readied for whatever foe would appear, they heard the sound of a very unique and familiar laughter. Lambo came running out of the bushes. He was running around with a ball and was clearly very excited. “Stupid-cow” scolded Gokudera marching over to Lambo and picking him up by his hair. Lambo screamed, moaning at Gokudera to put him down. Tsuna relaxed as Gokudera and Lambo squabbled. Matt watched with fascination, but as he did, he was unaware that he was under surveillance. There was a sudden burst of movement as someone launched herself at Matt, lunging with a large black sword. Matt yelped and was barely able to avoid the attack. He turned to face his assassin. He saw it was a girl, with strangely white hair and a large black jacket. As well as the large black sword, the other distinctive feature was a strange tattoo on the left side of her neck. As Matt was distracted by the strange pattern of the tattoo, she charged again. Matt ran away, surprised at the speed at which the person chasing him was able to run and attack whilst carrying such a large sword. As Tsuna and Gokudera moved to join the fight, Reborn stopped them. “Reborn-san, where did you come from?” asked Gokudera. “We have to help Matt” argued Tsuna. “No” interrupted Reborn, “either of you two could win easily, but it isn’t your fight. This is Matt’s fight”. Matt collapsed to the ground, his pursuer resting briefly before readying her next attack. “Quit being so pathetic” Reborn shouted at Matt with a surprisingly calm tone,” stand up and fight or die” Reborn shot a dying will bullet straight into Matt. Matt’s eyes closed and he was still. All of a sudden his eyes burst open and a dying will flame erupted into life on his forehead. The strength of the dying will mode caused his jacket to burst open and he jumped to his feet, ready to fight. “How come all of his clothes didn’t rip?” asked Tsuna confused and a little annoyed. “His clothes must be stronger” commented Rebon. “How does that make sense?!” yelled Tsuna. “As a mafia boss, you should learn the importance of proper clothing for every situation Tsuna” Clearly I don’t need to teach Matt about this” explained Reborn. Tsuna looked at Reborn confused and annoyed. Matt charged at the assassin. Even when the assassin guarded with their sword, Matt attacked, punching the flat part of the sword with enough force to force his opponent backwards. Eventually Matt was able to punch the sword out of the wielder’s grip and stuck at her. She simply smiled and blocked with her arm. It had changed to a silver colour, similar to dull steel, blocking Matt’s attack completely. Matt continued to fight launching a volley of attacks and the assassin guarded all of them, the tattoo on her neck glowing with a green aura all the while. Eventually, the assassin took a jump back and reached into her pocket, revealing a small ring with a spherical green gem embedded into it. “Now, I’ll end it” she declared putting it on. With a sickening crack, the ring broke. Matt had punched again and the force of the blow broke the ring in two. The look on the assassins’ face fell. She dropped to her knees, scooping up the two halves of the broken ring. “I’m sorry” apologised Matt as the dying will mode ended. He knelt next to her, “I didn’t mean to break it. Sorry.” She looked up at him with a sad face, clutching the ring. Matt felt horrible, as it was clear from the look on her face that the ring was very precious. “Oi, Moyashi”.

The person who had called out was none other than the English teacher. It was revealed to Matt his name was Dino and he was the head of the Chiavarone family. The assassin was a student of Dino’s who had come to Japan to visit Dino, but the orders had been messed up.”Sorry for attacking you” she said, “My name is Eleanor”. “Don’t worry; I should apologise for breaking your ring. Sorry” replied Matt, “It’s nice to meet you, but why Moyashi?” Eleanor looked at Dino; “He calls me Moyashi as a joke. The name’s just stuck.” Matt laughed, “Okay, Moyashi”.

 As the group of them walked away, Dino and Reborn stood and watched. “She’s got serious abilities as you saw. Do you think I’ve trained her well enough?” Dino asked, glancing at Reborn. Reborn smiled. “Looks like another member of the family has arrived” he responded. “Thank you” smiled Dino,” this is going to get really fun!”

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