Episode 10: Assembly begins!

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The next morning Reborn announced himself and Tsuna would be travelling with Matt throughout the day in order to check the progress of his family. Matt was still too busy thinking about hyper dying will mode to pay full attention and Tsuna sighed, pointing that it wasn't really a family yet. And so when Matt reached the school, he was directed by Reborn for the entire day...

The first place Matt and Tsuna were shown to was the baseball courts on the back of the building. Stood there was Morgan and Yamamoto, facing each other with their swords drawn. Worried, Tsuna and Matt ran over to them to see why they were fighting, but as soon as Yamamoto and Morgan noticed their worried faces, they began laughing. "Oi oi," smiled Yamamoto, "Morgan's asked me for some training so we decided to get a session in before baseball training." Whilst Matt was relieved to see they weren't fighting, Tsuna asked:"How long have you been here?" "Just since half four in the morning" responded Yamamoto cheerfully. "HALF FOUR" responded Tsuna shocked. Yamamoto simply laughed harder.

Leaving the baseball field to allow training to continue, Reborn pointed Matt and Tsuna towards the library. As they arrived they were surprised to find two groups of people getting ready to fight. On one side was Emma, Eleanor, and Gokudera, with Emma clearly annoyed at something. As Matt and Tsuna ended up running yet again, they saw who Emma seemed angry at. Facing them was Kyoya Hibari, head of the disciplinary committee and the 10th Vongola cloud guardian. Stood beside him was Kuasakabe (his right hand man) and Daniel. Matt quickly realised that Daniel must have been recruited by the disciplinary committee, after the fight in the library. As the two sides stared each other down, members of the disciplinary committee were milling about, blocking off the corridor and repairing the library. "What's going on?" asked Matt. Emma stepped forward, pointing at Daniel, "This guy won't let us into the library because some idiots messed it up." "This is a disciplinary committee mess. Don't interrupt our cleanup," stated Daniel matter of factly, drawing a pair of pistols rather than his whip (most likely because he was facing a girl), "And I don't take kindly to be called an idiot." "So it was you!" shouted Emma, angrier and far louder than any of them had ever seen before, mist beginning to erupt from her clothes. Dan quickly fired off a few shots at Emma but the bullets passed straight through her almost hitting Matt and Tsuna."Juddamie!" yelled Gokudera, pulling out several sticks of dynamite and standing in front of Tsuna. Hibari drew his tonfa, "If you get in the way of the disciplinary committee, I'll bite you to death." "I want payback" announced Eleanor stepping forward, her black long-sword drawn, eager for battle. "Ummm, guys" began Tsuna, his voice far too weak to be heard over the violent tension in the air.

There was a loud gunshot. Reborn stood in the middle, smoke still rising from the barrel of his gun. "Ciaossu" he said casually, causing a shocked look on Tsuna's face, "The library will get ruined again if you fight here." "Give me one good reason why I should stop" demanded Emma, Daniel, Hibari, Eleanor and Gokudera simultaneously. Reborn smiled at this whilst Tsuna looked incredulously at them. Reborn tipped his hat forward with the tip of his gun, grinning. "How about if I arrange another place for you to fight?" he offered in a cool and calm tone. And with that, the fight was narrowly postponed.

The next place Matt and Tsuna went to was the boxing club. They were given an- extreme greeting by Ryohei, Tsuna's sun guardian. He welcomed them in and immediately challenged them both to a sparring match. Tsuna profusely refused, but Matt though he could try using hyper dying will mode. He then rembered he didn't know how to achieve hyper dying will mode without Byakuran's assistance. As Ryohei continued to shout, another person entered the room. He had tanned skin and had plasters and bandages all over his hands and legs. "Oh. Hi guys!" he said as he strolled up to them, his smile almost as sunny as Ryohei's. "Who's this?" asked Reborn. "You could try being a bit more polite" muttered Tsuna. Reborn aimed his gun at Tsuna’s head and Tsuna yelped flinching. "Oh. This is a friend of mine who trains with me. He's part of the boxing club and the karate club," explained Ryohei. "Yo, I'm Tom Appleby", he said, "Good to meet you!"

And like that, Matt ended up sparing Tom. Matt though he had a chance until Tom swung in his first roundhouse kick. Matt was able to guard it but the strike itself was so strong that it reverberated through his arms, stinging them down to the bone. Matt didn’t have time to recover as Tom continued to press his attack. Matt was pushed backwards into the ropes. “Come on Matt” said Reborn from behind him on one of the poles, surprising him, “You can do better than that” Reborn aimed his gun at Matt and fired.

Matt tried to act as though he wasn’t covered in bruises as he, Tsuna and Reborn walked down to the workshops. As Reborn lead them into a workshop, Tsuna and Matt tried to brush the sawdust hanging in the air away from their eyes. Looking around the swelteringly hot room, Matt noticed someone with a cool afro and heat-resistant goggles working over a forge. He was hammering away at a large sword. He later introduced himself to Matt as Montel, and it became apparent that he made weaponry for lots of people including the disciplinary committee, and even Yamamoto, who was stood at the back of the workshop discussing katanas with Morgan. Matt joined in until Tsuna and he were dragged out by Reborn.

 As the three of them walked outside, a storm was brewing and the grey and black clouds rumbled ominously. “Where are we going now?” asked Tsuna. Right before Reborn could answer, Natalie ran over to them, stopping to catch her breath for a moment. “Tobi’s not with you?” queried Reborn. Natalie shook her head with a smile, ”He’s busy training with Uncle Bel right now.” Reborn smiled, continuing to walk.

Eventually, Reborn lead Matt, Tsuna and Natalie to an alley way made from piled up metal containers, just beyond the rear border of the school. Waiting there was Emma, Gokudera and Eleanor- all three of them ready for battle. On the other end of the alley, stood the entire disciplinary committee, lead by Hibari, Kusakabe and Daniel. The sky was getting restless, as if it could sense the mounting tension. Without warning, a bulky member of the disciplinary committee threw a large iron ball straight at Emma. Everyone raised their arms instinctively but there was a sudden slashing sound followed by several thuds. Everyone stared in amazement at Yamamoto and Morgan stood, katanas draw and ready. “Tsuna, Matt,” called out Yamamoto without turning, “You guys ready?” Tsuna and Matt looked at each other. “Yeah!”

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