Episode 5: Library brawl

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Matt didn’t want to eat breakfast the next day. He sat at the table, staring at the food in front of him. “Come on Matt” reassured Tobi, “You need to eat something”. Other than the oblivious Lambo, everyone at the table seemed concerned. “I’m fine” replied Matt to all of their questions.

Gokudera was outside the house talking to Eleanor (as it turned out Moyashi was as big a fan of Gokudera as Matt was), with Eleanor blushing and talking in a slightly higher pitched voice from usual, and Gokudera was laughing. As they spotted Tobi, Tsuna, Reborn and Matt arrive, they smiled and waved. Matt said good morning and then remained quiet. At the school gates, the group was greeted by a pair of people waiting. One who seemed shy but happy like Tsuna, with red hair and a bandage on his nose was Enma, the head of the Shimon family. The other was a tall and very dynamic person, with a baseball bat bag on his back, who was Yamamoto, Tsuna’s rain guardian. They all laughed and went to lesson, other than Matt, who sat at the back of the class. Classes ended at midday and Matt wandered off alone. He went and sat at the back of the library, hoping to spend time alone, and get away from the terrifying images of death and destruction. As he raised his head, he spotted Eleanor sitting in a chair opposite reading through some notes. Matt almost fell off of his chair. “Moyashi!” he exclaimed, only remembering he was in a library after yelling. Fortunately the library appeared empty other than the two of them. “What are you doing here?” Matt asked in a quiet voice. Eleanor looked up at him and stared blankly for a moment. “I want to know” whispered Eleanor in reply, “What was that nightmare of yours about?” Matt explained slowly the whole experience, only leaving out some of the more gruesome details about Eleanor herself. Eleanor stared. “Moyashi?” asked Matt. Before Eleanor could reply, they heard the sound of crashing and Tsuna’s voice from the library entrance. Matt ad Eleanor ran to see what was happening. They found Tsuna lying on the floor and Reborn was facing someone tall wearing a waistcoat and tie, brandishing a bullwhip. “Hmmm, who are you asked” asked Reborn curiously. “My name is Daniel” replied the person with the bullwhip, “And you and this one are in my way to that shelf and being noisy”. ‘They must have come here looking for me and Moyashi’ thought Matt, ‘If I just apologise maybe he’ll stop.’ “OI!” shouted Eleanor, “You can’t do that to Tsuna!” She ran at Daniel, and Matt noticed something. Daniel cracked his whip in one solid swing that flung Eleanor backwards, but she landed on her feet smiling. Daniel looked curiously as he saw Eleanor’s hand had turned a dark grey colour, protecting her from all the damage. Daniel and Eleanor continued to fight creating a great racket. “Tsuna, you may not take part in this fight” commanded Reborn startling Tsuna and Matt who were hiding behind an upturned desk. “You should get out there and fight” said Reborn looking at Matt, “Help your family”. Before Matt could even argue, Reborn kicked him into the fight. Immediately, Daniel’s whip wrapped around his ankle and Matt was thrown into a bookcase. As the bookcase toppled over, causing several surrounding bookcase to come crashing to the ground, a single book spun through the air towards Daniel. With one fluid movement, Daniel caught the book and flicked it open beginning to read it. As Matt crawled out of the books, he heard another person next to him also stuck. Without thinking he began to help them out of the mountain of literature, Matt saw it was a girl with red hair, and a katana strapped to her waist. “Thanks”, she began dusting herself off,” I’m Morgan, but what the hell’s going on?” Confused both by the idea of a person walking around with a katana so obviously visible and the unfazed manner in which she was addressing the situation despite its ridiculousness, Matt could only reply with: “I’m- um, Matt. And I have no idea. This Daniel seems to be irritated for us being loud in the library”. Morgan looked at Daniel who was fighting Eleanor, who was now using her black long sword. “Well that’s no reason to knock over a bookcase on people” she began rummaging through the books for some reason, “I say we get in on this fight!” And with that burst of enthusiasm and resolve, Morgan pulled out a large rocket launcher form under all of the books and aimed it at Daniel shouting: “Get ready! LET’S DO THIS!” ‘WHO THE HELL IS THIS PERSON!? WHO CARRIES AROUND A ROCKET LAUNCHER?!’ thought Matt in stunned awe, before smiling, ‘I doesn’t make sense but it’s awesome!’ Morgan fired the rocket launcher at Dan but somehow he was able to dodge the incoming missile by leaping out of its path. Instead it went sailing into a wall, almost instantaneously destroying it and causing all the remaining standing bookcases in the library to fall. “Hey” sprung up another voice. Everyone turned to see another person sat at a table busy solving a Rubik’s cube whilst piles of maths books festooned the table. He wore glasses and had short black hair, but by far his most prominent feature was his large forehead. That was until you noticed the rifle strapped to his back of course. ‘How the hell does everyone get weapons into this place?’ wondered Matt to himself, and judging by the expression on Tsuna’s face, he was wondering rather the same thing. “Now”, spoke Reborn who was stood behind Matt, startling him, “The fight begins!” With that, Reborn shot Matt with a dying will bullet. The fight than ensued would take two weeks for some mechanics from the Vongola to repair. Whilst Daniel and the rifle-user fought for themselves, Matt, Eleanor and Morgan fought together. Daniel’s skill with his bullwhip and split-second movements allowed him to fight at a much higher level than any of the other fight participants individually. The rifle-user kept his distance from the other, shooting strange bullets. Eleanor fought using her black sword and Morgan used her katana, both of them displayed remarkable skill and ferocity within their own individual styles. Matt simply fought with his bare hands and his resolve.

Sometime later, Tsuna, Reborn, Eleanor, Morgan and Matt were laying outside in the sunshine resting form their fight.  Eleanor and Morgan where laughing about how fun the fight was. Even Matt had to agree it was enjoyable. “I’ve not seen you like this before” commented Tsuna. Matt shrugged off the comment with an awkward smile. They all laughed and then Matt made an unexpected comment: “I just wish I was able to fight cooler...” As Reborn sat and thought about it, a person sat in the tree made a comment in a funny voice. “If your wish is to get stronger all you have to do is ask, there are those who can help”. As Matt looked into the tree, he saw a person in white with a purple mark under his eye, eating marshmallows in the sun...

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