Episode 6: Mystery origin

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  • Dedicated to Tobi Barrell

Now at this point, you’re probably wondering: ‘Where’s Tobi gone?’ Well, even if you weren’t, I am. And I’m writing this. So that’s that. Whilst Matt was becoming acquainted with various 'colourful' people, Tobi was proactively getting to work…

“And so I pulled the cord and a bucket of water dropped on him” finished Tobi. The two girls with him laughed hysterically at Tobi’s tale of his adventures with Matt. One of Tobi’s friends who he was currently sharing lunch with was a short girl with tanned custard coloured hair and an odd laugh she had inherited from a relation of hers- Natalie. The other was a far taller girl with brown hair and purple glasses- Constance. Whilst she did not laugh as loud or as enthusiastically at the jokes, it was clear that she was analysing the anecdotes for details about both Tobi and Matt. Tobi took a deep breath to recover from all of the laughing and the suggested that they all went back in order to meet up with the others.

Tobi had seen them both sat at the back of a classroom. Even though there did not appear to be anything special about the pair of them, Tobi had some sort of- feeling he could not explain and decided that he would investigate. He had started a conversation, finding that Constance was reluctant to speak at first, but became gradually more accepting of him. Natalie simply went from mad to insane. Tobi guessed it would be no more than a few weeks before he realised she was clearly an ultimately insane psychopath…

That afternoon, Tobi and Natalie where waiting outside the school for Natalie’s lift to arrive. Eventually a stylish crimson car pulled up, it’s engine giving off a distinctly low hum, like that of a caged beast just waiting to be unleashed- the only give away of the car’s true nature. The only other oddity Tobi noticed was the driver. He wore a black jacket with a red and black striped jumper underneath. His hair was long and blonde so it completely covered his eyes, and atop his head perched a small crown. As Tobi wondered how he was able to see at all, he turned to Tobi and addressed him. “Thank you for looking after Natalie” he said, “It’s very kind. Shishishi”. Tobi noticed that distinctive laugh at the end- it was the same as Natalie’s. As Natalie waved at him form the car, Tobi wondered about who they really were…

Later that night, Matt did not return so Tobi asked Reborn. “He’s on a learning trip, but he’ll be back tomorrow” responded Reborn, doing his best to dodge Tobi’s question. Tobi knew prying further would prove fruitless, so he asked about Natalie and the driver of the car, describing them both in detail to Reborn. Reborn did not answer immediately, so it was clear that he was deep in thought.  “So…” questioned Tobi. Reborn began: “I honestly have no idea who this girl is, and that worries me… The person you described is Belphegor, the storm guardian of the Varia- the Vongola’s independent operations branch. He’s a missing prince from an unknown country. He covers his eyes to hide his true nationality.” “So then, Natalie is” began Tobi. “-A mystery” interrupted Reborn, “If she’s related to Belphegor in some way, this could mean trouble.” There was an ominous silence before Reborn spoke again. “I’m coming with you tomorrow. I want to meet this person and perhaps I’ll get to speak with Belphegor…” And with that, all discussion for the evening ended. Reborn sat there, wondering about whom this person was, and also how Leon (his chameleon) was doing….

Authors note - I hope you're enjoying these. Then again, if you weren't, why would you be reading them? This one was a shorter one but hopefuly my plan will come together and everything will work brilliantly! This chapter is a tad short but it was completed in a small amount of time. I dedicate it to my best friend Tobi (Hope you like it aniki!).

Next episode: The Angel, the Warrior, the Princess.

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