Episode 8: Comfort zone

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Tobi and Reborn waited on the same hill that Tobi and Natalie had waited on the previous evening. As people walked past them, Tobi kept a careful eye out for the distinctive red car Natalie and Belphegor had left in. As Tobi tried to lean to peer further down the road the car had left down, Reborn stared intently towards another building as if he’d spotted something worrying. As he noted his observations, Tobi piped up, “That’s it, the red one coming towards us now.” The familiar red car pulled up in front of Tobi and Reborn and as expected Belphegor emerged from the car. He smiled as he saw Reborn and Tobi, with a small “Shishishi” laugh, before walking around and opening the rear door to the car so Natalie could get out. As Tobi went to greet them, Reborn jumped off Tobi’s shoulder and walked over Belphegor. “What’s someone like you doing here?” asked Reborn. “Shishishishishi” laughed Belphegor, “Isn’t it polite to greet someone first?” Reborn stared at Belphegor intensely.

Belphegor and Reborn left to speak, leaving Tobi and Natalie to go. Apparently Constance was ill that day so they decided to go to the library. When they arrived they were surprised to see a member of the disciplinary committee blocking their access to the library. They walked on to find somewhere to sit, but as Tobi glanced back he swore he saw a shimmer revealing most of the wall was missing. ‘I’m just imagining thing he thought, as the disciplinary committee member fiddled with the lilac ring on the finger…

Back in Italy, the breakfast table had been noisy with all of the people moving in and out of the room, the table’s food constantly replenished by the butler who moved with amazing skill and efficiency. Matt and the other sat at the table eating for quite a while before they were summoned to appear. They were directed by the butler to Uni’s quarters located on the second floor of the mansion. As Matt, Tsuna, Morgan and Eleanor entered the room; they saw Uni and Emma already sat in two of the seats around the still fireplace. The light was pouring in through the large window spreading out through the whole room. There was a large white bed with silk draping’s and golden bedposts, with Byakuran perched atop one of these posts, happily chomping on a bag of marshmallows. Gamma was stood behind Uni’s seat, ready to carry out her requests. They all sat down other than Byakuran who sat on an empty spot on the mantelpiece. “Thank you for allowing me to speak with you all” said Uni smiling, “I have arranged for you to all undergo training as I believe Uncle Reborn wanted. Are you all okay with this?” Matt smiled; ‘This is just what I wanted’ thought Matt, remembering what Reborn said to him about remembering his wish. “Let’s do it” replied Matt in an unusually confident tone. “Hell yes!” shouted Eleanor. “I’m in” replied Morgan. Emma simply nodded in agreement. Uni beamed at them with happiness before continuing; “Tsuna, I wish to talk to you about matters so you will stay with me in the mansion conservatory. Morgan, Nosaru has agreed to train you and has requested use of the mansion’s training room. Eleanor, Gamma himself will train you down by the lakeside in the garden. And Matt, Byakuran will train you in the nearby woodland. Is everyone okay with these arrangements?” Too excitedly to question any of Uni’s kind words, they all agreed instantly. Finally Uni turned to face Emma. “I’m sorry but as I will be busy I cannot train you today, and I have not been able to find anyone else available to help you,” apologised Uni. However before Emma could reply she was interrupted by another person entering the room. “It’s a shame that Genshiki deserted the Giglio Nero then, and then there’d be an illusionist other than Torikabuto available.” They all turned to see the voice was that of a girl with long blue hair who was staring at Byakuran even as she addressed Uni. “Ah, Bluebell” said Byakuran smiling, “Would you mind training Emma today?” Bluebell gave him a look of disappointment as this meant she would be unable to spend the day with Byakuran, before smiling and saying; “Okay. For you I’ll do it”. With that they all left the room.

In Namimori things had taken a turn for the worse. Natalie and Tobi were sat by the baseball court when they were attacked. There was no obvious motive as far as Tobi was concerned but ten mafia hit men attacked them out of nowhere. During the initial attack, one of the hit men struck at Tobi and Natalie with a large spiked ball and chain knocking them both backwards. Tobi went flying into a wall but Natalie was able to land on her feet. Another charged toward her with a knife but before Tobi could get to his feet to try and move her out of the way there was a whirl of black as if Natalie’s shadow was bursting out of the ground. The hit man with the knife was flung back with a large slash mark on his chest. The shadows slid back to reveal Natalie wielding a large double ended scythe with its twin black blades on either end glinting with they’re silver designs. Tobi could feel a chill in the air as Natalie’s usually bubbly personality changed to an aura of pure killing intent. The hit men stepped back as the red ribbon attached to the scythe flapped weakly in the wind. Without warning one of the hit men charged at Natalie with a jagged sword lunging directly for her throat. Skilfully Natalie countered by blocking with one of the scythe blades whilst continuing the same swing, plunging one of the scythe blades into the hit man’s shoulder. As the hit man yelped with pain jumping backwards, the blade was removed from his arm with a sickening crunch. Now only able to hold the swords with one hand, Natalie quickly swiped at hit man with a series of fast swings in a cyclone fashion. Within moments both the blade and hit man were sent flying through the air soaked in blood. “You might want to get that checked out soon or else you might die” advised Natalie in a surprisingly polite voice. If Tobi wasn’t so terrified and stunned he would have laughed. Slowly Tobi rose to his feet and walked over to Natalie. He wasn’t sure how he would fight, but there was no way he’d ever let a friend fight alone. That just wasn’t who he was. Even Natalie seemed surprised by Tobi’s confidence as he stood there weapon less yet still ready to fight. As the hit men charged towards them, Natalie and Tobi got ready to fight. Suddenly there was a sudden whooshing sound and all of the hit men were knocked backwards, knives protruding from their bodies. “Shishishi” laughed a familiar voice from behind Tobi and Natalie, “It seems yet more people are after you. And it’s not even lunchtime.” Belphegor was stood behind them wielding his distinctive knives, Reborn atop his shoulder.

No-one did explain to Tobi what Belphegor meant or why him and Natalie had just been attacked. Things somehow happened before he could ask and his attempts to question Reborn later would prove fruitless. Despite all of this, Tobi was more frustrated about his inability to do anything in the fight. “Don’t worry” Natalie had told him. The nest Tobi arrived back at Namimori School but no one was there to greet him and Matt still hadn’t come back. Yamamoto told him that Reborn was waiting for him in the sports gym with someone. As Tobi curiously entered the large gym, he saw Natalie with her scythe and Reborn setting up some equipment. They turned and smiled. “Ready to train?” asked Natalie. Tobi smiled: “Hell yes!”

Authors note: Hope you like it. Wasn't that fight cool- I hope you get the reference in there! ;) Things are getting pretty awesome right? Next one should be fun, with more new charachters! Hope you're as excited as I am! See ya!

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