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A couple of weeks later Austin had been literally tying me to his hip, making sure I was ok 24/7. It was a little suffocating if I'm honest. Luckily, TWLOHA needed a model quickly one morning, and I said I would do it. It was back at the modelling agency which I had been to before, almost 18 months ago. I sat nervously in the same seat before Tiffany came down and asked me to follow her. I was in a brightly lit studio, white everywhere. White walls, white floors, white backdrops, white lights. "If you'd like to come with me, we'll get you straight into hair and make up!" I sat down in the chair and I asked Tiffany what the idea was behind the shoot. "It's like relationship issues, and kind of just presenting the different issues people can have. So you'll be working with a male model, who has worked with us before! He's lovely so you'll be fine!" She said. She left the room and the stylist got to work with my hair. "The male model is a beauty, I'm jealous that you get to work with him!" She said. I laughed, "Oh really!" "Ashton, I'd like you to meet your female model for the day, Imogen!" I glared up at the reflection of the mirror, before sitting forwards and looking over my shoulder. "Hey, I'm Ashton, nice to meet you!" He said, taking my hand. I slowly shook it, staring up at me. "You're gorgeous by the way, so this is going to be fun!" He teased, sticking his tongue out slightly. I smiled as he sat down in the chair beside me. "Are you the Imogen who sings for TWLOHA?" I nodded slowly. "You have a lovely voice, and the songs you write… Send chills down my spine!" He sounded just like Ashton, but I felt like he didn't recognise me? Nothing was different about me. "Yeah my girlfriend and I were wandering through a nearby forrest, and I think we saw you filming a music video or something!" I smiled and nodded faintly. Ashton got called outside back to the studio, "See you later Immy… Is it ok if I call you Immy?" He said standing up. "Sure!" I smiled. Once he had left the stylist smiled, "You two seem to get along well!" "You have no idea!" I said. 

Ashton's POV

I had been to the doctors in the past week, telling him how I was suffering from kind of flash backs and then suddenly remembering Immy, and forgetting her. When the car accident first happened, I had been told that I might suffer some memory loss or flashbacks, but I didn't think they would occur a year after. I was in the studio for a shoot with TWLOHA. "Ashton, I'd like you to meet your female model for the day, Imogen!" Tiffany said as I walked into the room. A young girl with long black hair was sat in front of the mirror, suddenly turning round to look at me. At first she looked like she had seen a ghost, so to kill the awkwardness I took her hand and shook it. Even when she shook it she still looked freaked out by me. I then thought that it must have been from the forrest a few days before, when she saw me whilst making her music video. After a brief introduction I was called back to the studio. "She seems nice!" I said to Tiffany as we walked over to the wardrobe area. "Yeah, I think she'll be great as she's gone through tough relationships herself." "Oh, really?" I asked. "Yeah… It was something like herself and her boyfriend were in a car accident, and her boyfriend died… And it was the night that he was going to propose to her!" 

"Say you'll be my nightingale… Say you'll be my wife? and then… Get on one knee and present the ring" I took the ring out of my pocket. I stared down at it, and then at my reflection in the mirror. "You can do this! You can do this! You don't deserve this girl, but it's worth a try!" "Ashton come on, we're gonna miss our table!" Immy cried from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm coming! You can't rush beauty!" I shouted back. I heard her usual chuckle. I took one final breath, and left the piece of paper in front of the mirror and placed the ring back in my pocket. 

"Ashton.." Tiffany was staring at me. I shook my head. "Sorry, it went in one ear and out the other!" Tiffany sighed, rolling her eyes. "I said, do you think these jeans and top work?"I nodded quickly, and headed to the little changing room to get changed. Once I was in the first outfit, I had to run to the make up and hair room, passing Imogen on my way. Within in minutes, I walked back out to the studio ready for the shoot. Imogen was already there, getting in the set position for the first few shots. She was sitting down on the back drop, and a guy from behind pulled her, his arms under hers pulling her back slightly. 

The sound of fire roaring hit my ears sharply. I opened my eyes and saw the bush which was to the side of our drive way. I turned to look forward, facing the house. I was on the car bonnet, spread out, with my waist and legs still inside the car. "Urgh shit…" I sighed, every part of me aching. I pulled myself out by grabbing the end of the bonnet. I fell to the floor, unable to move for a few seconds. I eventually got to my feet, leaning on the bonnet and saw Immy passed out in the passengers seat. I stumbled over, the door was bust, unable to open it. But the window had smashed. I undid her seatbelt, and turned her round so I could hoist her up from under her arms. I slowly pulled her out of the window, and she started stirring. I managed to carry her over to the grass, lying her down. I collapsed down beside her, feeling like I was going to pass out any second. I sat on the grass, deep breaths as I stared up at the sky. I suddenly heard the soft sigh of my name. I turned my head to look at Immy who was looking at me. "It's…It's ok…" My head was feeling lighter. "You saved me.." I smiled, knowing that if that was the last thing I'd do, it was the best I could have done. "…My batman" She said, stretching out a hand to my face. "My Immy" I said before everything went black. 

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