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Ashton's POV

"Immy!" I shouted down the road, as the car drove out of my sight. I pushed my hair back with both of my hands as I tried to get my head around what had just happened. "Is everything alright?" Tim asked as he came running out. "I need to go, sorry Tim, I'll call you tomorrow!" I said as I quickly climbed into the car and hurried back home. I walked in on the boys watching tv in the living room. "Guys, you need to help me." Calum took a double glance as he looked up at me, noticing I was covered in sweat. "What's happened?" Michael asked as they all stood up and wandered over. "Immy, she was taken…" "What?! By who?" Luke asked. "Tony, it was Tony's car she was driven away in." "What? The driver?" Michael asked. I nodded. "It doesn't make sense, but we need to get her back." I explained. "And a word with this Tony fella!" Calum said. They turned the tv off, shoved on their shoes and then we all ran to the car. "Where do you think he took her?" Michael asked. "I don't know, but I thought his house would be the best place to look first." "Do you know where he lives?" Luke asked. "Yeah, I had to meet him at his house to see if he was suitable for our personal driver…What a huge mistake." I sighed. "We'll find her!" Calum said, placing his hand on my shoulder. "We always do!" Michael added. 

"Do you think I should do it?" I sighed as I felt myself sink lower into the couch. "Do what?" Michael muttered as he watched the tv. "Ask her!" I sighed. Michael just shrugged his shoulders. "It's like talking to a brick wall!" I said in irritation. "You love her right?" "Of course I do, more than anything! You know that!" "There's your answer." Michael turned to look at me. "I stared at him for a couple of seconds, he as right. "I should then… I should ask Immy to marry me." "We have your back Ashton, we always do!"

I took a deep breath. "Ashton?" Calum asked, shaking me in the seat. "I've just got to get something I've forgotten." I jumped out of the car and ran back inside the house. I went up to my room and searched in the wardrobe for that little box. I eventually found it and opened it to see the engagement ring, my mothers engagement ring. I planted a quick kiss on the box before returning to the car. "What's that?" The boys asked as I placed the box in the car. "Something I should have done a long time ago." I said before I started the engine. 

Immy's POV

Tony carried me over his shoulders into the house, my feet kicking at his ribs. He placed me down at the end of the stairs. "Let's get some light in here." I looked round, it was as empty as mums house. He lit a few candles which were at a table near the stairs. "Well I'll just be leaving!" I said, heading for the door. He grabbed both of my arms and slammed me against the wall, making the table rock slightly. "You're not getting away from me, not again." He snarled. He turned me round, still having a tight grip on my arms, and started pushing me up the stairs. As much as I tried to fight him off, I felt too weak to do so. We reached the top of the stairs and he let go. I let my hair fall over my face as I touched the grazes. "Are you hurt?" I turned around and stared up at him. "Am I hurt? What the fuck do you think?" I said through gritted teeth. "This is what I want to talk about, I never meant to hurt you." "Are you kidding? You're still hurting me now." He let out a sigh, but it wasn't a friendly kind of sigh. He raises his hand, "I swear, if you touch me one more time." I snap. He grabbed both of my wrists and I struggled to get free. "Don't you dare speak to me like that." He spat. We were turning on the spot as I tried to loosen his grip. The slip of the foot, the tiniest slip can end in the biggest fall. My right foot fell from the top of the stairs, and the force of gravity beat my fathers hold over me. His one shining moment to be a father, to hold onto me and pull me back up, instead he finally let go and let me fall. It all happened in seconds. I felt my head bash against the stairs and the side of the wall along with the thumps from the rest of my body. I reached the bottom of the stairs and my legs collided with the table at the end. I couldn't move anything, except my eyes, to watch as the table fell over, the candles plummeting to the floor, the birth of a fire. My vision was ruined by the quick shuffle of Tony's legs stepping over me, rushing out of the door before the fire could erupt further. I watched as the orange reflected on my face, my focus becoming dazed. "Don't leave me…Ashton…" I muttered as I felt my eyes roll back. 

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