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Ashton pulled up outside a half an hour drive, in front of this huge modern bungalow. "Are we at a studio?" I asked as we got out of the car. "Yup! I've got a surprise!" He said with a smile as he took my hand and hurried down the path to the front door. We were greeted by a mid 30's guy who seemed to know Ashton fairly well. "Tim!" He said as he stuck his hand out. "Immy!" I smiled as I shook his hand. "Come in, we gotta get this hit happening!" Tim said enthusiastically as he let us inside. "Ashton, is there something you're not telling me." "TWLOHA, they want us to sing a duet together. I've already written the song with Tim here, we just need to record it!" My eyes grew, "Seriously?" I asked as a smile appeared on my face. Ashton nodded, biting down on his bottom lip slightly. "Let's get started! Show me this song!" I sat down on the sofa, scanning the sheets of paper as Ashton nervously sat on the arm of the sofa. "Well…" He said. "Ashton…This is incredible, better than anything I've ever written!" I stood up and threw my arms around him, closing my eyes as my head rested on his shoulder. "Thanks…" He muttered. "Let's get this recorded!" Tim declared. "We should do Immy's solo bit first and then we'll do the two of you together." I hurried into the booth and put the huge headphones on. Tim briefly reminded me of what I had to do and then I nodded to tell them I was ready. I smiled as soon as I heard the music start playing, it made me suddenly get in the mood for the song. "I'd like to say we gave it a try, I'd like to blame it all on life." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ashton stick his thumbs in the air which made me smile. "We can deny it as much as we want, but in time our feelings will show…" After a couple of attempts of recording the same part Tim said he was happy with it and told Ashton to get into the booth so he could do his little solo part. "If I could change the world over night, there'd be no such things as goodbye." I watched Tim move the controls around as Ashton sung, but as I glanced up at him he was already looking at me intensively. "Ok, let's get you both in there. Sing your hearts out, as if this songs means a lot to you!" Ashton and I both awkwardly glanced up at each other, to me, this song did mean a lot to me and if Ashton wrote it surely it would mean a lot to him too. "Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart, but right here in each others arms." The music stopped and we both glared at Tim. "You guys…Sound so so perfect together and actually I've been watching and listening, and you both sound your best as you look at each other. So this time round do that for the entire time." I gulped as I fiddled with my headphones. I loved being around Ashton again but I wasn't sure if my feelings for him had come back nor if they were as strong as they had been. "Ready?" Tim said. Ashton nodded as he looked at me, but to me it felt like he was staring into my soul. "If I would have known that you wanted me, the way I wanted you" We sung, both not being able to look anywhere else but at each others eyes. "We almost, we almost knew what love was" I closed my eyes for a few seconds, but felt Ashton take my hand and hold it as we continued to sing. "Cos sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up."

Tim told us to take a break and I nipped out to you the bathroom. When I walking towards the studio, with the door left open slightly I could hear Tim and Ashton talking. "That song mate, so powerful" Tim said. "Thanks man!" Ashton replied. "It's about her isn't it? It's about Immy?" There were a few seconds of silence before he responded. "I better tell her to get back so we can finish this thing!" That's when I walked in and took him by surprise. "Oh there you are! Everything ok?" I nodded. "Do you want a listen? I mean some minor things need to be changed but it already sounds amazing!" Tim said. Ashton looked at me and I nodded. "Let's hear it!" Ashton said. I sat down on the sofa and waited for it to start playing. Ashton stood near the controls panel, his thumb between his teeth and his face covered partly by his fringe. Tim was right, our voices sounded so good together and the song just sounded amazing. "What do you think?" Tim asked as he swerved round in his chair. We both looked up at Ashton whose eyes looked a little teary. "It's perfect. It's exactly how I wanted the song to sound. And Immy sounds breathtaking as usual…" Ashton said as he looked up at me and smiled. "Ashton I've never heard you sing like on your own, and I regret not ever making you sing for me before." I laughed.  "You guys have known each other for a long time?" Tim asked. "It's our two year anniversary today actually!" Ashton said. "Really, congratulations! I thought you made a beautiful couple!" Tim smiled. "No no no! We aren't a couple anymore, haven't been for a year or so now, it's just the anniversary since we became friends I guess. I have a boyfriend now…" My voice trailed off as I watched Ashton's face drop. There was an awkward silence after Tim apologised. "Shall we fix those minor things so we can get out of here?" Ashton said quickly before storming back into the booth. My phone suddenly started ringing and I glared up at Tim. I could hear Ashton sigh through the microphone, "I'll just be a minute!" I said as I hurried out of the room. I looked down at the screen to see Austin's name. I was hesitant as I answered it. "Hello…" "Hey! That text you sent me was total nonsense, I am allowed to come and see you, it's not just TWLOHA people. So I'm coming tomorrow, where abouts are you again?" "What text are you talking about?" "That one you sent the other day, saying that it was strictly TWLOHA people who were allowed and no other visitors, but I asked one of the leaders and they said anyone is welcome hence why I was bought along in the first place. And being here alone is driving me crazy so I thought I'd come and see you!" I frowned as I tried to think back to what text he was on about. "When did I send this text?" I heard Austin laugh. "You must have been drunk out of your mind if you have no idea what I'm on about…Hmmm, it was around 4:30pm here on Tuesday, so it must have been around 1:30am your time! And why didn't you tell me you were in Australia babe,that's very far away!" I didn't reply as I thought hard about what I was doing. I remember sitting downstairs with the guys watching a movie, and Austin had been texting me non stop but I hadn't bothered to reply. I left my phone downstairs to charge it and had completely forgotten to reply to Austin, and when I went to bed Ashton was the one left downstairs. "I've got to go, I'm recording a song but I will phone you straight after ok! Can't wait to see you!" I hang up before he can respond and walk back into the studio. I got back into the booth with Ashton not saying a word. "Maybe we just weren't right…" I sung, almost scowling at Ashton. "But that's a lie, that's a lie…" Ashton sung as he stared at me, looking slightly worried. "Perfect guys, just give me a second!" Tim said. We awkwardly stood in the booth in silence. "Why did you send Austin a text from my phone, pretending to be me?" I asked. Ashton's head shot up at me, his eyes glaring. His mouth opened slightly but no words came out, and as a result his head dropped.

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