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Ashton's POV

I slammed the car door and stood at the end of the path as I stared up at the bright orange glares, surrounded by black smoke. "Do you think…" Calum muttered. I glared him a look and suddenly realised that Immy might be in there. I dropped everything and ran inside, ignoring the boys shout my name behind me. I inhaled the smoke straight away, making my throat tighten. I could hardly see anything, causing me to trip over something on the floor. I landed on my knees and hands, and looked back to see what it was. As I looked closer I saw a pair of legs, my eyes followed them to lead to Immy's unconscious body. "Shit!" I got up and wandered over to her side. I took her head in my hands, trying to wake her up. Blood was starting to drip from her hair line, and she was not waking up. "Come on Immy, wake up!" I say, gently shaking her but no luck. The smoke was getting thicker and the flames were getting bigger, I had to get her out. I crouched down and put her over my shoulders, slowly standing up until I was sure she was secure. I carefully made my way out to the house, and the boys came rushing over as I placed her down. "She's out cold." I said, before my voice got caught in my throat due to the smoke. "We should call help." Michael said as he took his phone out. I continued to cough every time I tried to speak. I wanted to be at Immy's side. I knelt down and cleared my throat before I placed my head to her chest, to listen for a heart beat. "I can't hear anything" I muttered slowly as I stared out onto the road. Luke grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back. "Don't psych yourself out, she'll be ok!" He said reassuringly. I glance down at Immy as Calum sat by her. "This is all too familiar…What if it ends the same way." I feel the tears making their way to the front of my eyes. "You can't think like that, it's unlikely to ever happen again." "But what if it ends in the worst way possible." That's when I broke down, crashing my head against Luke's shoulder. The sound of the fire engine and ambulance muted the noise of the roaring flames. The paramedics came rushing over not only to Immy, but to me as well to make sure I hadn't taken in too much smoke. Once I was fine, I watched as they checked on Immy. The paramedics exchanged concerned looks before carrying her into the ambulance. "What's wrong with her?" I said running after them, but getting held back by Calum. "We don't know, but her heart beat is very faint. She needs to go to hospital straight away." We followed the ambulance to the hospital which was only down the road. I ran to catch up with the paramedics as they put Immy in a room, connecting all sorts of wires to her.I tried to get into the room but the nurse put her arm out in front of me. "Give it a few minutes for the doctor to look over her and get her stable." I sighed and retreated to a chair which was opposite the room. The boys soon caught up and sat with me. "She'll be ok!" Calum said. "Of course she will, she's a trooper!" Michael added. "It's all my fault, I made her angry and so she stormed out." "But you didn't cause the fire Ashton, it's not your fault at all." Luke said. "Luckily we reached her before the fire got worse." He added. My head dropped to stare at the floor. The loud, rapid beat sparked my ears, causing my head to shoot up and stare at the door as it was slammed shut after nurses rushing inside. "Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep … " 

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