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(The next day) 

"I've been getting visions, as you know, over the past couple of months and we've come to realise that they are memories before the accident…" The counsellor nodded as I spoke. "And as you know I've done something about those memories, especially the ones about Immy. I got her back, she's actually back home right now with the boys. But obviously they don't know I'm here." "And why don't you want them to know?" The counsellor asked as his brow furrowed slightly. "I want to appear fine to them, I'm the oldest I feel the need to always appear strong, as I feel like their rock most of the time. And rocks don't break." "They can crumble though, if they're thrown against something harder than them, too hard for them to cope with…" I nodded, licking my lips quickly as they felt dry. "And I can't show them how I'm crumbling. It's difficult, to not remember certain parts of your life. You know how bad and regretful I feel about forgetting Immy…" "But you remembered Ashton. You remembered, your strength came through and you remembered. You're still the strong rock you aim to be, if you ask me." 

I shook my head, "Why can't I remember this one small detail. I can see the entire vision, it's just my voice goes silent at the end of it when that key piece of information is revealed. It's doing my head in." "I know that for some of your other troubles, we've had to focus on them to get to the bottom of them, or to simply find out what they are. But sometimes, when it's the smallest things. It's like when you're about to say something but you completely forget, you think hard about it for a few minutes after but you can't grasp it. So, you move on and forget all about it, and usually it comes to mind again a few hours later, because you haven't been focusing on it. Maybe that's what we have to do here…" "But I get this feeling that it's such an important part of my life…" "And why do you think that?" 

"Because I'm planning on asking Immy a question, and I always reach the same point every time I get the vision. I'm talking to Michael…And…I'm asking him whether he thinks I should do it or not. But I never find out what the question is." "And what does Michael say?" "He…Asks me if I love her, which I reply with yes, and he says 'well there's your answer'. But it's not the answer, not the one i'm looking for." "Maybe it is Ashton. Maybe this 'question' is not important at all, it's just the frustration of not being able to remember it that's making it important to you right now. I know you love Immy, and that's what should be important right now. You have her back, and that on it's own is a miracle. A miracle you've been working so hard towards, and you deserve it. So instead of focusing on what could have been…Focus on what's right now…"

Immy's POV

I stepped out of the shower, realising I hadn't taken my towel in with me. I rolled my eyes and slowly opened the door, allowing me to peek round. I could hear the boys screaming at each other from downstairs, probably playing xbox. I took one last glance across the landing, and hurried to Ashton's room, closing the door behind me. As I turned round I fell over a pile of his shirts, which he had said he would tidy up that morning. My arm knocked against his wardrobe as I fell to the floor. I sighed with relief, fortunate that it wasn't my head. I stood up and reached for my towel which was hanging on the door of the wardrobe. I wrapped it securely around my body, feeling much safer. I glanced down at the floor having heard something fall from the wardrobe. I bent down and picked up a small black box. I slowly opened it and quickly closed it again and threw it to the floor, backing away as the memories came flooding back. 

'If she says yes, well done mate! You got the girl of your dreams, the one you always thought was out of your league and every day couldn't believe she was yours. Treat her right, treat her like a queen.' The tears fell from my cheeks and stained the paper. 'I love you Imogen…My Immy.' I let out a slight groan of pain through my gritted teeth as I glared up at the top window of the house. Ashton was standing there, looking beyond the rooftops of the rows of houses. "I'll always be your Immy…" ' 

"Immy!" Ashton cried from the bottom of the stairs. I panicked and picked up the box, shoving it to the back of his wardrobe. I quickly opened the door to be greeted by Ashton. "Oh…Hello!" He smiled, kissing my forehead. "You been crying?" He asked, his smile quickly vanishing as he wiped the tear stains from my cheeks. I lied, "No no, it's from the shower!" "Oh…" His head dropped slightly. "Well get dressed!" He said as his head shot up once again. "What's the hurry?" I asked as he gently pushed me back into the room. "I'm taking you out for the afternoon!" He smiled as he finally picked up the pile of clothes on the floor. "Any reason why?" I smiled. "Well, its our 2 year anniversary today. And I think it's worth celebrating!" 

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