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I hurried out of my hotel room and decided to run down the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. I saw Immy standing outside the entrance of the hotel, and ran over to her. She turned with a smile, but it quickly faded as I got closer, grabbed her hand and dragged her down the stairs. "Ashton, what the hell is going!" She snapped, letting my hand drop and standing still. I walked up close to her, touching her arms, my close face to hears so our eyes were centimetres apart. "Come with me… Fly with me…Away from here, lets make everything go back to how it was." Her eyes darted across mine, taking in what I had just said. "What's wrong with you…" She said as she slowly backed away. "Immy I… Don't you want to be how we used to be?" I said, almost in a disappointed tone. "I want to, believe me I do… I just don't think nows the best time." "Because of Austin, because of people finding out?" I asked. She nodded, making her hair fall over her face. I walked up to her, taking her hands in mine. "What if they didn't have to find out? What if we flew away together just for a few days…What would you say then?" Within seconds her lips were pressed against mine, and soon enough my hands found their way to her waist. Her arms were round my neck as she pulled away. "When can we leave?" She asked. I smiled before kissing her once more. 

Immy's POV

I tried to leave Ashton so we could go back to our rooms and pack everything, but we kept exchanging light kisses. "I've missed this!" He laughed against my lips. "Well, miss it for a little while longer, we need to go pack!" I said. He sighed, "OK! Pack everything, and meet me out here in 10!" I hurried up the stairs to the front of the hotel. "And if anyone asks, it's for a little trip with the promoters!" I nodded before running inside. I got to my hotel room, slamming the door behind me. I leaned against it for a few seconds, the biggest smile across my face. I then grabbed my suitcase and placed it on the bed, running round chucking everything in. "And where do you think you're going?" Austin asked from behind me. I stood up straight and turned round to see him leaning against the wall. "Don't scare me like that!" I laughed, before returning back to my suitcase. "You didn't answer my question!" He said. "Oh, the company has organised a weekend trip for the promoters, so you know myself, Annabelle, Emilie…" "Ashton?" "Yeah…" I said quickly. "Where are you going?" "I'm not sure, it's a surprise, but not too far away!" "And i can't come with you?" I turned round to see him analysing me. "No, I'm afraid not." I zipped up my suitcase and wandered over to Austin. "I'll call you!" I said, kissing his cheek before leaving the room. As soon as I closed the door behind me I hurried to the elevator. I met Ashton as I made my way to the lobby, he was tugging his suitcase along to. He placed his arm around my shoulders as we walked up to the car. "Immy, I'd like you to meet Tony, he's our personal driver!" Ashton said as he loaded the suitcases into the boot. The driver stepped out of the car and stuck his hand out. "Immy…" He said with a smile. I looked up and recognised the face, it was the same driver from the airport. "Oh…Hello again!" I smiled quickly, shaking his hand. "Tony has a daughter, who is a huge fan of you!" Ashton said as he joined my side. "That's right, you've helped her through a lot!" He said, still staring at me. I smiled, "It's an honour!"Ashton opened the car door for me before running round to the other side and hopping in. "So where are we going?" I asked. "You ready to be re-united with 5 Seconds of Summer!" Ashton smiled. I leaned in to peck him on the lips before moving back and looking out of the window. I caught a glimpse of Austin standing in the lobby, looking out at the car. I swallowed hard before looking back at Ashton, as he grabbed my hand and smiled. 

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