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Danielle's POV

Reanna and Leo are just too cute they have one of the best relationships I have ever seen. As for me and Charlie well that's a bit more complicated, don't get me wrong I have fallen for him but I don't think I can handle being in a relationship, I saw how Reanna's last one ended and it destroyed her and me being honest but I just don't know what I am gunna do yet.

Charlie's POV

I am glad that Leo has found Reanna they are so happy together and it puts a smile on my face seeing them two together. Im not to sure what's going on with me and Danielle, every time I try and get close to her she pushes me away, I love her to pieces but I don't want to rush because I'm not like that but I suppose I will just have to wait until she is ready to talk to me about it.

Anyway let's forget about how I don't know what's going on with me an Danielle because I am planning to take her out for diner tonight, I'm not to sure how it's gunna go but I just want to make her feel special. I can't wait to see her face I know she will like it because we are close and we know everything about each other so I am looking forward to tonight.

Leo's POV

I don't know what's going on with Char and Danielle but they need to hurry up and decided what they want cuz it's kinda awkward to look at. You can tell they like each other but I understand where Danielle is coming from because of Reanna's last relationship but I just hope they get together because they make a cute couple.

As for me and Reanna things couldn't be any better, we have moved out of the hotel and got our own place, even though we don't always stay over its still nice to have a place we can call our own. Yeah okay me and Reanna will have arguments but then whats a strong relationship without disagreements?  

Danielle's POV

So Charlie is taking me out for diner tonight and I am dying to know where he is taking me but he won't tell me.
I have just finished getting ready and the taxi is here I don't know why but I am actually a little nervous. When the taxi pulled up outside nandos my eyes lit up and I turned to Charlie and gave him a kiss on the cheek. After we had finished eating we started talking about what we wanted to do and we both agreed that we would give a relationship a try. I can't wait to tell Reanna I know she will be happy for me, I am so glad I have a best friend like Reanna.

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