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Rita's POV

Reanna has been asleep for about 3 hours now and she is starting to wake up so I'm gunna say if I can get the truth out of her.

"Hey there little miss rebel what's gotten into you lately babe you have been acting so weird?" 

" if you really wanna know its because everything in Ibiza reminds me of my old life and it's starting to scare because I don't wanna be the girl I was but I'm starting think that the old me is coming back."

Okay so that was a bit upsetting to hear but now I know what's really going on I think I need to call Danielle.

Danielle's POV

It's like 2 o'clock in the morning and Rita has just called me asking me what Reanna used to be like before we moved , starting to get a little worried I told Rita and then I knew why she was asking all of these questions. I had a feeling this was gunna happen fuck.

Since Rita and Reanna are back in London I'm gunna go over for a few days and see if I can sort all of this out.

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