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Reanna's POV
Since Nick walked out of the house party we haven't spoke to each other and I feel like shit for doing it now so I am doing anything and everything to try and forget about it. Okay yeah maybe it's not the best idea but it's the only way I can feel numb to this whole thing, I know it's breaking Danielle and Rita but I can't sit around all day everyday and feel sorry for myself.

I know I have feelings Nick but I'm meant to be with Leo but we haven't spoken for months and everything is getting so confusing at this point. I haven't told anyone that I have feeling for Nick because I don't wanna come across as some sort of slut but if I'm being honest Nick is so much more devoted to a relationship that what Leo is, don't get me wrong I love Leo but I want to be with Nick.

Danielle's POV
I have never saw Reanna this out of control since I have known her and it's starting to get to everyone even Nick has called to say he is worried about her, I usually know what to do with Reanna when she gets out of control but this time I don't know what to do to snap her out of it.

Sun, sea and sex on the beachTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon