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Reanna's POV

Since I have been back everyone is constantly moaning at me I don't know what the fuck I have done wrong, just because I have started drink and take drugs every other weekend everyone thinks they can have ago at me but I refuse to stand for this shit.

I have just been talking to Rita about what's been going on and she said that I can come and stay with her for as long as I want and to be honest it doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Danielle's POV

Reanna has just came into my room and told me that she is going to stay with Rita for a few weeks, I don't really want to go but with the way she is at the minute I think it is best for her to go. I told Reanna that I wouldn't tell Leo but by the sounds coming from their room I think she has already told him.

Reanna is leaving today and it is fair to say that I am so emotional I can't believe how much she has changed since being back and everyone has noticed she isn't the same girl.

Rita's POV

Reanna has just called me to tell me that she is on her way over, as much as I want her to stay in Ibiza and sort things out I know that it is best if she gets away for a while.

I can't wait to see Reanna I have got so much to tell her I have missed her so much. Everyone thinks it's weird that I am close friends with a fan but I think it's amazing even though isn't quite used to it yet but she is getting there. I can see her taxi I am so happy she is finally here.

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