Opening Kills Set The Tone

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Okay, I don't know if anyone is going to read this, but I wrote this a while ago, before I became a fan of "original ideas".

It takes place in our world but It's got the basic structure of a Scream movie, as the killers are trying to make it seem like one of the movies.  Should be super meta. Much swearing, violence, the works.

I do not own anything I reference in this story but all these characters are mine and hopefully so is the story.

Also, if anybody like this, (votes, comments, ect.) I'll definitely finish it, but if not, it's on hold indefinitely. 

Dana closed the window in her living room and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. It was the middle of May and the weather was just starting to warm up. She turned on the tv, flipping to the channel with movie rentals. Her best friend Carly was sleeping over, and they were home alone until her parents decided to return from the bar. She heard a noise from the window behind her and jumped when her cat climbed out of the curtains. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her, and couldn't stand being alone for much longer. She heard a knock on the door and carefully went to answer it. There stood Carly with an angry look on her face.

"Jeez, just because the weather's warm everyone and their mother is outside tonight. You know that freak Mace we used to go to school with?" Carly asked. Dana nodded in response.

"He just tried to sell me some kind of drug! It was so disgusting," Carly took a seat on the couch and dropped her bags nearby. Dana grabbed the popcorn and remote, then sat next to her.

"So what are you in the mood to watch tonight?" Dana asked, "Comedy, teen, horror..."

"If I wanted to watch a horror movie, I would've gone to Lindsey's house. I'm not a huge fan," Carly said.

"So how about a teen movie?" Dana said.

"You already made me watch Can't Buy Me Love. I mean, seriously, they ride off on a lawn mower after he treated her like crap for half a movie. That's not sweet, it's stupid," Carly complained.

"Fine, we'll watch a comedy then. So romantic, ridiculous, or parody?" Dana said.

"Let's piss off Linds and watch Scary Movie," Carly said.

"She would get pretty pissed. She thinks their tasteless, or some shit like that..." Dana trailed off when she heard the phone ring. The Caller ID listed it as a private number, which could be her aunt at work. Or a psychotic killer. With hesitation she went to pick it up.

"Hello," She said.

"Hello Dana," A deep voice said. She nearly dropped the phone.

"Who is it?" Carly asked, noticing the shock on her face.

"I don't know," Dana said. She needed to hang up and call the police but before she could Carly grabbed the phone from her and put it on speaker.

"Hey, who the hell is calling?" Carly yelled into the phone.

"Don't you recognize me Carly? Haven't you seen this movie before?" The voice said.

"Yeah, this is the voice from that shitty movie Scream. Lindsey, if this is you trying to be funny I'm gonna flip. Dana's actually scared right now," Carly replied with annoyance.

"This isn't Lindsey, but this is the last person you're ever going to see alive," The voice said.

"Wow, that's really shitty. You aren't Lindsey, she'd be much more creative," Carly mocked.

"I'll show you how creative I can be when I fucking kill you," The voice shouted. Dana looked around frantically.

"Carly, give me your phone so I can call the fucking police, this isn't funny," She said.

"This is just a prank, I don't believe any second of it," Carly said to Dana, then turned to the phone, "I don't believe that you even know where we are right now."

"You're standing in Dana's living room, getting ready to watch Scary Movie," The voice said. Dana let out a sob, "Poor choice, by the way. Parodies are really... disrespectful to the art."

"Carly, give me your fucking phone now! I'm calling the police," Dana said.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," The Voice said, "Not unless you only want to miss your only chance to live."

"What the fuck do you want from us?" Carly asked.

"I want to play a game. Now I know you're not big horror fans so I'll keep it simple. Answer a question wrong, you die. Answer it right and you move up a round. Answer all ten of the questions right and you get to live. Understand?"

Carly grabbed Dana's hand and squeezed it.

"Just try to think of the shit our friends talk about okay Dana?" She said. Dana nodded. "We're ready. First question."

"Good. Since you claim you've seen the original, name one killer from the Scream saga," The voice said. Carly thought for a second and responded with one she remembered hearing Lindsey talk about.

"Billy Loomis," She said through gritted teeth.

"Good job, you get to keep your heartbeat for round two. What is the name of the killer in The Ring?"

Carly felt her heart drop. She'd never cared to find out what that movie was about, let alone who the killer was. She looked at Dana in desperation. Surprisingly Dana took the phone from her.

"Her name was Samara," Dana said, still shaking with fear.

"Round three, what is the most recent horror movie remake?"

Dana and Carly looked at each other in supposed agreement. Dana handed Carly the phone to answer.

"It was A Nightmare on Elm Street," She said.

"No no no no no, it was Pirahna," Dana shouted in an attempt to correct her mistake.

"I'm sorry, too late. Wrong answer, you lose. Now get ready for the real game," The phone clicked and the dial tone beeped. There was absolute silence.

"I'm sorry Dana, I'm so sorry," Carly cried out. Tears started streaking down her face.

"Call the police. I'm pretty sure the doors are locked. If we don't leave, he can't get us," Dana said, her voice trembling.

"Maybe it was all a prank," Carly said, while dialing 911. Just after she said it there was a crash from the second floor.

"Shit, I didn't close the window. Carly, go out the front door," She screamed.

A figure in black was running towards her. She leaped off the back of the couch, heading to the kitchen. If she could make it out the back door maybe she could run to safety. Once she was in the kitchen she realized that no one was chasing her. She heard a scream from the living room and all she could think about was Carly. She raced back with the intention of doing something to help her, but she was met with a gruesome sight.

Carly was on the floor with multiple wounds, bleeding on the carpet. Her eyes were open but lifeless. Dana ran over and touched her lifeless body frantically. She couldn't believe this was happening. She needed to get out but she couldn't move, couldn't leave the mangled corpse of her best friend. When the murderer with the ghostlike mask came at her with a knife, all she could do, was scream.

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