Chapter 13.

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I think you have to get your heartbroken sometimes. You have to get your heart completely ripped out and crushed to fully appreciate when you finally do find the right one. It's like they say, you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. That doesn't mean it's fun. Actually, loves sucks most of the time. It's messy, stressful and complicated, but none of it matters when you meet the person who makes it all worth it.

That's what happens when I think of Kamryn. Everything about her reminds me of the things I wish I could forget. There's like flashing lights on her, practically screaming bad idea. But then I see her eyes light up when she's around Roland, playing and singing, or when she simply smiles, all of those things vanish, and suddenly, she's all I see. Just her. Her and those gorgeous eyes, and that amazing laugh that I could listen to all day.

"I'm taking your silence as a "Yes, Luke I do like Kamryn." My best friend says snapping me out of my daydream.

"I don't."

"You're a fucking liar."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever, because you know I'm right. I'm so right and you're just too damn afraid to admit it."

I can't argue with him. Mainly because he is right. How do you convince someone of something when you can't even convince yourself.

"Look, I know what happened with Kristie really messed you up. I get it mate, but you can't let that keep you from loving someone else. You fall in life, but that doesn't mean you just stay down. You have to get back up and move on. Let yourself be happy again." He pleads with me.

"I don't deserve to be happy."

"Bullshit. That's bullshit and we both know it, Calum. Your biggest fear is that people will eventually see you the way you see yourself, and that scares you. That's why you close yourself off to literally every person that tries getting close to you. I know you, I know my best friend and you of all people deserve to be happy." He looks at me with seriousness plastered all over his face.

"I'm broken Luke, and she...she's perfect. Even if I could open up, she'd never like me. I mean, would you like someone that treated you like complete shit?" I run my fingers through my hair. Angry at myself for acting like a such a jerk all the time.

"Stop selling yourself short. That's the thing about being broken, you can always be fixed, nobody is broken beyond her that person isn't who you really are. You can always change how someone views you."

"Maybe." I sigh, feeling defeated.

"So you'll tell her?"

"Woah, let's not go that far. I'll think about it. Right now I just need to process all these feelings."

"Fine, but promise me you won't give up on Kam...or yourself." He gives me a faint smile.

"I promise."

I say goodbye, and start heading back home, making a quick stop at the store to pick up some ice cream for Mali to say i'm sorry for being a jackass. After grabbing a carton of her favorite kind, I make my way up to the counter.

I push everything Luke said to the back of my mind. I really didn't want to think too much about it tonight, I was exhausted, both mentally and physically, so the last thing I needed to do was worry even more.

All that went out the window when I see Kamryn standing in line looking absolutely adorable in her Scooby doo pajamas. Of course my mind starts to race again.

"Calum..." She smiles slightly, looking just as surprised as I was to see her here. Out of all the grocery stores in the city, she picks the exact one I'm in. So much for avoiding my feelings.

"Hi..." I do my best to smile back.

"What're you doing here?" She asks nonchalantly.

"Oh, just picking up Mali some dessert. You know how my sister is. What about you?" I ask, hoping she doesn't sense my nervousness.

She awkwardly motions to the box of tampons in her hand and my face immediately starts to flush. Sometimes I could punch myself. How fucking embarrassing am I?

"So...How's Roland? I miss the little guy. I definitely have to come visit him soon." She quickly changes the subject.

"He's crazy, like normal. You should, I know he'd love that." I chuckle.

"Well, I have to go...I'll talk to you later." She pays for her stuff and starts walking to the exit.

"Wait..." I call out without thinking.

"Yeah?" She turns around and looks at me with a confused expression.

"Would you...maybe...wanna hang out tomorrow?" I feel my heart pounding and I instinctively regret it. I couldn't believe what I just said.

But what's even harder to believe is her response.

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