♡ two ♡

281 23 11

im v v v sorry for not updating my motivation had gone for a walk for 2 months :)))))))))

dedication: @Tony_Loki for the first comment ! 

pic of calum's dress that he wears to the ball on the top or side x


"babyboy! my sweet babyboy!" joy squealed, her wrinkly yet soft hands cupping cal's rosy cheeks. the raven haired boy blushed, hiding his head. she looked at her son, her eyes filled with adore. joy absolutely loved her son, and so did mali koa. they weren't disgusted by him, they were happy that he accepted himself. 

calum was a different from other kids. for this, he used to get bullied and jeered at before her mom homeschooled him. he liked dressing up like girls, hell he loved it. he liked the color pink, it made him look smaller and fragile than he already was. his soul was filled with so much adventure, he was always so restless, never wanting to stay at one place for more than 1 minute. his bambi eyes always had a twinkle in it, his happiness radiating off of it. 

calum had two friends, one of which was pansexual while the other was simply gay. michael and ashton adored cal too. michael loved to play with calum's hair which smelled like strawberries and coconut. he loved when calum nuzzled his cute button nose against his own. ashton loved when calum cuddled him. ashton thought calum was like a cuddly bear, always warm and fuzzy. he loved how calum never forgot to press a kiss to his cheek before leaving. they loved calum's hugs, calum's feather kisses, calum's very feminine attitude, well they loved calum in general. calum loved them equally as much.

calum stepped out of the house, careful with his pink sneakers. mike and ash were waiting for him outside, and he ran and wrapped his arms around both their necks, squishing them in a hug. mike buried his head into cal's neck, a thing he did when he hugged calum. ashton chuckled and ran his fingers through calum's hair, smiling. "you look pretty, like always," michael complimented and ashton nodded. calum blushed and mumbled a small 'thanks'. calum, in general, was very shy. that was till he got comfortable with someone. calum could be the most outgoing and talkative guy when he got close to a person. 

the thing about calum was that he never let anyone get bored of him. he could jump for one topic to another in under five seconds. he didn't have adhd, he was just very talkative. he could be sexy, he could be cute, he could be adorable, he could be a real sweetheart, but never a bore. but people didn't ever see that, all they saw was how calum dressed and acted. calum didn't understand the world sometimes and whenever he asked joy about it, she always would say, "baby, they're just big, fat meanie's who know nothing except to put down beautiful people like you." and calum used to smile, though still not understanding.

they reached the royal castle, which was decorated magnificently. calum stepped out and watched in awe, how the flora was perfectly cut and shaped, the various colored lights dangling from the roofs and the whole castle in all. he did it every year, staring at the castle till the two of friends had to snap him out of it. 


luke stood in the corner, sipping his non-alcoholic drink. he was utterly bored, he didn't have a partner to dance with and all the people were either rich and snobby brats or just people who weren't fit for luke's liking. luke stirred his drink, staring at the baby blue drink. he sighed deeply and pushed himself off of the wall which he was leaning on and walked front to dara, who he thought looked beautiful, even in her black and white maid dress. 

"hello luke," she greeted and luke smiled in response. "you enjoying?" he gave a bored expression and she laughed, her chubby cheeks going up. "well well, looks like we need to find a partner for you," luke shrugged and dara shook her head because of the stubborn blonde. "uh e-excuse me, could y-you possibly t-tell me where the loo is? i need to g-go." he heard a soft voice speak and he turned to look at the person whom the voice belonged to. there stood the most prettiest human being luke had ever laid his eyes on. this person, this boy, was like a masterpiece and luke wondered if such humans even existed. "luke will take you yeah?" luke snapped out of his daze and turned his head to dara, "what?" he asked and the pretty boy giggled, he freaking giggled, which made luke smile the tiniest bit. "guide him to the washroom, he's a little lost." dara said and luke nodded, "come with me," the boy nodded and luke could practically feel his eyes burning the back of his neck. 

the boy finished his business and luke, like the kind prince he is, waited for him outside. "im luke by the way," luke said, his eyes scanning calum. "i-i'm calum," the boy, calum, said while fixing his dress. luke smiled and nodded. "so, you're here with anyone? you got a partner?" calum shook his head, "i came here with two of my friends, but i got lost and i can't find them anywhere." calum frowned which immediately caused luke to frown too. "im sure you'll find them, the world is round afterall." this made calum laugh and luke thought calum had the best laugh. he decided that calum's laugh was the best sound he'd heard. "wanna go somewhere more private? i mean not in a bad kind of way, the music here is cringing and i'm just bored to death." luke stumbled upon his choice of words but calum did not notice, to which he was thankful. calum nodded and luke led them to the roof of the castle. it was quiet there, just the faint sound of music and the sound of the november breeze. calum's dress swayed a bit because of the wind and luke thought calum's legs were very model like. not that he was staring. 

calum sat on the roof, staring up at the sky which was lathered with stars. luke sat down beside him, "beautiful isn't it?" calum jumped out of fright, but relaxed and  nodded his head swiftly. "just like you." luke smoothly said and calum got a funny feeling inside his tummy, a vermillion color very visible on his cheeks, which luke was proud of. it was silent for a while, before luke got bored and turned himself so that he was facing calum. "so calum," calum hummed, still looking at the view of the town he lived in. "tell me about yourself, i mean, just to get to know each other."  calum turned his head and smiled, "i'm calum thomas hood, you can call me cal. um, my favourite color is pink, i really like pastel colors. i love animals, especially dogs, they brighten up my day. my birthday is on 25th january and i u-uh, i'm gay." calum whispered the last part and shut his eyes, already knowing that luke would run  off. but instead, luke just smiled. calum opened his eyes and saw luke smiling, his cheeks littered with acne but calum found himself growing to like luke, though they met just few hours ago. 

"well, tell me about yourself." calum said. luke nodded, "i'm lucas, luke for short. i love playing fifa and eating spaghetti. i love penguins, and my favourite color would be blue. my birthday is on 16 july, and i honestly don't know if i'm into guys or girls. i'd prefer both, i think. if i get feelings for a guy, i'd date him. the same goes for a girl." luke said, careful enough not to spill out his surname because the people didn't know he was the prince. heck, they didn't even know the king had another child besides jack and ben. calum hummed and it was silent again before luke heard a small voice ask, "are we friends?" luke looked up, "if you want us to be?" it came out more like a question but calum tackled him into a hug. luke made an 'oophf' sound but hugged calum back. "sorry, i just, i hug my friends and now that you're my friend, i think i owe you a hug and i'm really happy that i made a third a friend y'know an-" "woah slow down, you're rambling," luke chuckled and calum blushed again. "sorry." he said and luke shook his head. "don't be." he simply smiled while saying it and calum's eyes flickered to luke's smiling lips. "i- i really l-like you're s-smile." he said shyly and luke grinned, "you're smile is more pretty." calum blushed and looked down. 

"calum! oh my god! baby!" michael yelled and pulled calum into a longing hug. luke was jealous that the crazy colored hair dude called his calum baby.  they were mumbling some things which luke couldn't make out, but he put on a smile when calum slowly walked up to him. "thanks for today. um, i enjoyed your company. i doubt we'll be meeting again, but i hope i'll see you again some day." he said and gave luke a small hug, whispering a small 'bye' in his ear. 

luke watched calum's car going off in the far distance and he sighed dreamily. he knew he was going to dream about this boy whom he just met. calum fascinated luke, but then luke didn't have the permission to go out and he felt stupid to not ask calum his number, even though he didn't know whether calum had a phone or not. he wanted to meet calum again, he already missed the cutie so much. maybe he'd ask his father again, and maybe, just maybe, his father would let him go out again.


here you go. i feel so bad for not updating but here it is! 

also, i'd appreciate if someone made a cover for this


much love, 

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