♡ five ♡

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dedicated to addictsanta  for all the comments! stay punk rock, ly♡

the picture tho

tuesday, 7:13 pm

"prince luke!" luke heard dara call, he gro

aned and got up. dinner time was 7:15 pm and luke had exactly two minutes to get down the humongous flight of stairs, sit on the chair, spread the long napkin on his lap and wait for jack to begin the meal.

luke rushed downstairs, tripping alot over those long legs of his. he swears he sometimes feels like his legs worked at a different time than his body. the elder brothers called him breadstick, which annoyed luke to the core.

he sat on the table and quickly spread the napkin, huffing and puffing, because of the lack of oxygen in his system. jack glared at him but luke shrugged. jack said the graces and they started eating at the same time. ha, typical.

luke monotonously chewed his food, making noises in between, just to anger his elder brothers. it was always like this. luke wanted a change in this boring cycle which everybody called life. luke wanted to be an average eighteen year old. make real friends, party, get drunk, have sex, break the rules.

but no, luke was stuck here in this castle with no one to talk to. well dara didn't count. luke thought that he couldn't have those talks with dara. no offense to her, he talked about everything else with her. and dara was pretty fun to be around.

luke picked mindlessly at his food, feeling full. it was strange because luke was always hungry and gobbled up food, but luke had no mood to do anything these days. the thought of not being allowed to the fair was eating him up. he wanted to see calum, that small boy whom he saw four years ago.

since the time he saw that video, calum was all he could think about. he wanted to see him. he needed to see him. and being stuck here wasn't helping it. the dinner got over at 10 pm sharp. dara and the other servants came to clear the table after everyone got up. everyone except luke. he sat there on the wooden chair, a hard look on his face. dara had been noticing luke's attitude for the past days and to be honest, she was very worried about the blonde lad.

"earth to luke," dara said, snapping her fingers in front of the lost boy's face. luke seemed to blink and stare at dara. "what? stop staring at me like that." she said and luke sighed, getting up. he placed the napkin on the table as dara picked up the plates and silverware. "hey, you seem dull. what's wrong?" she asked sweetly and luke shook his head. "really now?" he looked at the white haired woman and took a deep breath.

"i want to go out." he said in a soft voice. dara sighed deeply and went to luke, keeping the utensils down and wiping her hands on her apron. she cupped luke's cheeks, luke didn't care that dara's hands were dirty because she hadn't washed it yet, but his father and brothers would make a big deal about it. "baby, i know its hard staying in here. i'll go talk to prince jack and prince ben okay? see if i can change their minds." she said, her voice gentle.

luke smiled at her, pulling her into a tight hug. normally, royalty don't hug their servants like this but luke didn't care. dara held such a special place in his heart. he would be dead if dara wasn't here. she is honestly the best person luke could ask for. he did consider her as his mom, because she was here from the start. always protecting and caring for him. he mumbled a small 'i love you' to her and kissed her cheek before skipping upstairs.

luke knew that jack and ben wouldn't listen to a maid, but she was elder to them and they did have manners. so maybe they would listen to her and maybe she could convince them to let luke out and maybe he could go to the fair and maybe see calum and maybe kiss him and make love to him. okay that's alot, but luke didn't give a damn. he screamed into his pillow like a five year old, because he was beyond happy.


don't be a ghost reader, vote and comment because i'd like to hear some from my beautiful readers!

this story is kinda a cross over between cinderella and tangled i guess. idefk.

much love,

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