i would drive you to work anyday

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Ashley's POV:

I sighed and grabbed my bag, turning away from the mirror at the same time. Not daring to look back.
"Come on babies" I smiled at my dogs. They were sat across the room, looking up at me.  Waiting for the day when I wouldn't leave them at 6:30am for work.
"I'm sorry for leaving you, but I'll see you later at three" I cooed, "go and lay down".
My phone vibrated in my pocket, I knew immediately that it was Tyler.
'See you on set beautiful.' He is so sweet. He cares. Unlike anyone else. I have many friends that ask if I'm okay but he knows me properly, he can see right through me.
I walked out my flat and locked the door behind me. I carried on down the stairs and out towards my car. I pressed unlock and it didn't respond.
"Oh, not today, for goodness sake" I grumpled., trying it again... And again.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed my fingerprint down to unlock it. I scrolled down to my contacts and scrolled down to T.
I clicked on Tyler's name and began calling him.
(Conversation, T=Tyler, A=Ashley)
T- Was up Babe?
A- My car won't unlock, and I'm late as it is... Please help.
T- I'll be there in 10, stay put gorgeous.
I flinched and sighed as he hung up. Being called gorgeous almost made me feel happy. Especially from him.
With nothing else to do, I looked down at myself. My legs were big, and heavy and... Clumpy. I shaved them every other day to make sure they were as good as they would ever get. Not that anyone would see them, I kept them under thick jeans or leggings or occasionally tights, but only if I'm feeling really brave.
The only time they ever get seen is when I'm playing Hanna.
When I'm acting, it's like I'm in a whole nother head set. I'm more confident and sassy, happy, even.
When we go on hiatus, it's usually like a big plot hole for me, and it takes every effort for me to not fall into, what the doctors call, 'deep depression'. Tyler comes round a lot to check I'm okay and he cooks for me and brings me food. Ryan and Isaak sometimes make an appearance if I'm feeling really down about my self too.
I looked at my stomach. It was currently looking flubbery and hanging. I pushed the fat out the way and saw the skinny stomach that I dreamed of, that you could see my ribs through.
"Ashley, stop" a voice sounded from the side of me.
I looked up and saw Tyler stood there with his arms folded and also looking particularly handsome.
"Did you know that you look absolutely stunning today Miss Benson?" He asked genuinely. I wondered how many complements he'd ever paid me, it must be hundreds, almost thousands.
He nudged me and I looked up at him, right in the eye.
"Come on and get in Miss Pretty" he rubbed my arm and ushered me to the car.
Once we were in, the questions started.
"How are you?" He smiled.
"I'm okay, how are you?" I asked him back.
"I'm great apart from there's this really weird thing... I just feel the urge to make you dinner tonight" he winked and I simply say back in my seat and smirked.
"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" He questioned me, he took his eyes off the road for a second to look at my reaction.
"No Ty... No I haven't" I pulled my phone out my pocket and went onto snapchat.
I took a picture of the corner of my script next to the radio in Tyler's perfect car.
'Off to work😩😫😜👌🏻'
I captioned it, sliding across to the time bit.
I then turnt the camera round and faced it out of the window at the trees.
I took w second picture and captioned it;
'A bit late, sorry Marr and Lisalamb😘😘🙃'
I only just had enough space and characters to fit it all. I smiled to myself at the perfect fit.
"Thank for driving me by the way Tyler" I thanked him.
"You know I would drive you to work anyday" he smirked.
"Porridge, toast, cereal bar, fry up, bacon or sausage bap, what would you like?" Tyler pulled into the car parking space of 'Breakfast Club'. I gave him a solid and annoyed look.
"I don't want to-" I started moaning but he interrupted me first, before I could carry on and give a stupid reason.
"I don't care" he shook his head and pulled me in for a hug.
"I love you lots beautiful and I really, really want you to eat... As a friend of course" he hesitantly added. He looked at me pleadingly and I rolled my eyes then nodded. I wasn't ever gonna win this one I thought to myself.
"cheese and bacon toasty please" I whispered. He grinned at me and hopped out.
"Come on" he beckoned.
"No Ty" I looked at him, my eyes glazed over with tears.
"Ok, ok" he nodded and shut his door.
I watched him walk into the cafe, his perfect jaw looked on point and his fluffy hair was messy but still amazing.
I led my head back on the chair of his car and sighed.


Tyler's POV:

I came out of the cafe with food for me and Ash. I looked in my car window and she was asleep. I was only gone 5 minuets, how can someone fall asleep in that time?
I opened the car door as gently as possible but she jumped out of her skin still.
I awed quietly at her as she sat up and held out her hand for the breakfast.
I handed her a toasty and a coffee and she put it on her lap and looked at it.
"Just have one bite and then I'll drive" I comprised with her.
She gently and slowly took the wrapper off and took it out the bag.
When she took a took a bite of it I smiled widely and so did she.
"It's actually nice" she admitted.
"This is too" I held mine up and we did cheers with our matching toastys as I took a sip of my coffee.
"To work we go" I chuckled, turning up the radio and we danced to Justin Bieber, What do you mean?

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