he doesnt matter anymore

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Ashley's POV:

I kissed Ryan as he rolled his eyes at me.
"I'll be back later babe" I smiled weakly. He simply picked up the controller and turned on the tv, completely ignoring what I said.
I turned round, got my coat on and walked out the door, slamming it behind me. I put my keys and phone in my pocket then continued to walk down the road to my car. We lived on the bottom floor of a block of flats in LA so it wasn't far to go to work.
After driving for about ten minutes and walking into the Warner Brother studious, I headed into the makeup and dressing rooms just on time for my call time.
"Hey Ash" Lucy half smiled at me as I walked in.
"I saw on your Instagram that he's going away again to Poland for work... Are you okay? How longs he gone for?" I started, taking a seat next to her and hugging her lightly.
"Not long, only six days, but I hate it" she pouted and I sighed,
"I know, it sucks when they're not there".
"What do you mean? Where's Ry at?" She looked concerned... Probably thought that he'd run off again, like last time.
"He's here... At home actually... But he's so pissed at me because of working here so much" I studied my knees, "he doesn't get angry anymore, he's using the 'ignoring me' technique" I said using fake quotation marks.
"Babe, it's nearly the hiatus and he'll soon get used to it" she spoke softly. I looked up at her and we smiled at each-other.
Ever since we were 16, Lucy and I were always close. We could honestly discuss anything with each-other... No matter how bad the situation.
"I love him a lot Luce Goose" I stuck my bottom lip out before pulling my phone out of my pocket and pressing on snapchat after unlocking it with my finger print.
I laughed silently as I looked at my snapchat story from the day before, Tyler had stolen my phone from the fruit bowl in 'Spencer's kitchen' when I wasn't looking and has taken multiple selfies with the cast and crew. He had his fingerprint on my phone and new my password, not that I minded at all, I trusted him.
I put my phone of selfie mode and held it up in front of myself and Luce. We both grinned and put our thumbs up, well my one and two of hers, I took the picture, before sliding across and putting a random effect on it, making our eyes stand out majorly. I posted it on my story and waited for the comments on my Twitter and Instagram to go mad, along with Lucy's.
"Where's Benzo?" I heard a voice ask someone else in the hall.
"Is that Ty?" I poked my head up immediately and turned to her.
She nodded, "I think so".
I quickly got up and exited the double doors of the makeup room and flung myself into his tough arms.
He had only been on set for half an hour yesterday, leaving us no time to catch up.
"Hey there baby girl" he grinned, whilst stroking my head and hugging me back gently.
"Hi" I whispered back.
"Are you alright?" He asked as we let go of our hug.
"Yeah... Just, Ryan, annoying me" I brushed it off quickly, I didn't want Ty to fuss.
"We're gonna talk about it when we have our hair and makeup done, okay?" He said, touching my shoulders with care.
I nodded and he kissed my cheek, to which I blushed.
We walked back into the makeup room and Lucy hugged Tyler.
"Hi Ty" she smiled.
"Hey there Luce Goose" he chuckled.
"Lucy, hair... Tyler and Ashley makeup!" Somebody called from across the room.
Torey, Lindsey and Tammin stood up from the chairs, smiled at us, then walked off.
"So..." He said as Lucy walked off to the hair bit and we sat down in the chairs, "what's he said now?".
Makeup started being added to our faces.
"He just... He doesn't so much get angry anymore, he just ignores me" I sighed.
"What's his problem though? I don't understand?" He kicked a cardboard box in-front of him, causing me to put my hand on his leg, to stop him.
He looked me in the eyes.
"It's alright" I shook my head and shrugged, "he will get over it at some point".
"He better" he huffed.
"Shut up you" I joked, grabbing his hand and quickly linking our fingers together, then unlinking them again.
He looked at me with soft eyes.
"Keep still please Ash" the makeup person spoke kindly.
"Tyler, your hair is going to be normal for your next scene, so once your makeup a done, I can quickly do it now instead of going over to hair" the other woman explained to him.
He nodded his head, "okay then, thanks".
"What are you doing tonight?" Ty questioned me.
"I don't know, arguing with Ry probably" I sighed, putting my thumbs up sarcastically at him.
"Come over, and we can have pizza and watch a film, just tell him that you're hanging out with me cuz he's being a dick" he smirked, chuckling at his own comment.
"Yeah okay" I grinned, looking forward to an evening of company, instead of being left alone or shouted at.
"Well, that was easy" he smiled, holding his hand out for a high five.
I high fived him back and smiled, happy with our plan.

Part two coming in a bit<3
Georgia. Xx

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