i would cuddle you even if the world stopped spinning

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><ashs pov><
I walked into set shoving a used tissue into my joggers pocket. I was wearing sweats and a huge scarf with Nike shoes and simply carrying my script. To sum up... I felt like shit. I walked along the corridor hearing everyone's different conversations, I wasn't needed on set for a while so my plan was to go straight to my dressing room and sleep.
"Miss Benzo!" I heard a familiar voice call.
"T-T!" I weakly grinned. He came towards me with his arms out but I stopped him before he hugged me.
"I'm sick. You might not want to babe" I sighed, my voice croaky and throat throbbing.
He paused for a second then wrapped me in his arms, "I don't care" he spoke softly as he held me tight and kissed the top of my head.
"I literally just want to sleep" I sniffed my nose harshly and let my arms go from around him.
"I'm not needed for another hour" he complained to me.
"I'm not for 45 minutes either" I replied.
"Well let's go sleep then baby" he smiled and grabbed my hand, dragging me with him.
"Now, we could sleep in the dressing room, make-up room, or Hanna's room, which one would you prefer?" He said. I giggled at his silliness.
"Make-up room, no ones in there for a while" I smiled, taking my tissue out of my pocket and wiping my nose.
"Okay then" he still held my hand tight and we carried on walking to the make-up room.


He pushed open the door and let go of my hand. He walked over to the mini-sofa and led down flat on his back. I walked over and sat in front of him.
"Lay down Bebe" he pouted. I started to lay ontop of him but he paused.
"Wait a sec, lemme shuffle up" he whispered. He moved to that his head was leant on the arm of the mini-sofa.
"You can go now" he smiled and I lead myself down, half on top of him, facing stomach down. I cuddled my head in his shoulder and my eyes began feeling heavy. I felt his arms wrap around me and I cuddled into him tighter.
My eyes slowly closed and I fell straight to sleep.


"ASHLEY, TYLER" I lifted my head slightly and saw an angry face staring down at me... And Tyler.
"Oh crap" I heard Tyler chuckle.
Marlene stood there, hands on her hips, angry faced.
"I feel ill" I sighed and hugged onto Tyler. My nose was running and my head was pounding, my eyes were watering, thanks to this ever-lasting cold.
"Your an hour late, both of you have ten minutes" she sighed and turned around and walked out.
"It feels like the worlds spinning" I complained.
"It is Ash" he smirked.
"I'm so ill, you shouldn't cuddle me" I whispered.
"Well, I would cuddle you even if the world stopped spinning" he blushed.
I pouted and lifted my head up a bit more, immediately making my hand fly towards it and hold it tight, in an attempt to stop the pounding headache.
"Are you really sick other than a cold?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Ty my head really hurts" I winced. His eyes softened and he moved so he was sat up on the sofa, instead and pulled me into his lap. I lead like a baby on him and he wrapped his arms, cradling me.
"You're so cute" he muttered. He kissed the top of my head and my stomach went fuzzy with happiness.
"TYSHLEY WE NEED YOU ON SET" Marlene shouted loudly down the corridor.
"Ash isn't well Mar" Tyler called back, his voice soft so he didn't hurt my currently popped ears.
She came walking in, a bit less angry this time.
"What's up?" She tilted her head to the side and I looked up at her, red-eyed with bags under them.
"Right both of you go home and your call time tomorrow is 8:30am... Do not, under any sercomstanses be late for it, ... Get well soon Ash" she finished nicely.
"Thank you Marlene" I croaked out, coughing afterwards.
"Wait, why am I going?" Tyler said, looking confused. He had a good point though, why was he?
"Because we only really need you for Haleb scenes and one scene with Keegan, plus she needs somebody to look after her" she started serious then winked at the end.
"Bye loves" she smiled.
"Thanks. Bye" we both replied to her.
"Come on then Sicko" Ty joked.
"I'm nott" I puffed out my cheeks and stuck out my bottom lip.
He leant forward and kissed right next to my lips, but not on them like I wished.
I felt myself blushing, as he also turned bright red.
"We can stop and get you medicine" he stroked my hair gently.
"Do you want to get Walter and Olive and stay at mine?" He offered. I stay at his a lot in the spare room in his flat so it's not that out of the ordinary.
I nodded and he moved my legs off him so that he could stand up.
He grabbed my hand gently and slowly pulled me up to my feet.
"Let's go gorgeous" he said, picking up our scripts.


When we got back to mine, we went in and I got some pyjama trousers and a top, jumper, knickers and socks. I then picked up Olive and Walter and we went back to the car.
When we arrived at Tyler's he immediately got out the car and opened his front door to let Dillon out and Olive and Walter in.
I swung my side of the car door open and he turned and looked at me with sympathy.
"Go on in babe, I'll get your bags and stuff" he smiled, walking over to me as I got out the car. He wrapped his arms round me and kissed my head lightly.
"Go on then" he blinked.
Once he had gotten everything out the car, he came inside to where I was led on the sofa and plonked the bags down on the armchair.
"Olive, Walter, Dillon" he called and immediately three dogs came running. I smiled, grinned in fact. One day that could be our children's names... I can't think like that...were...friends.
"They're like our little babies" he grinned, suddenly blushing.
"Have you got any pain relief?" I questioned him, fastley changing the subject.
"Yeah, of course" he walked into his kitchen and moments later came out again with a packet of painkillers and a glass of water.
"Thank you" I said, taking it from him.
"Pick a film or a show" he smirked.
"Urm... Real housewives of Beverly Hills" I smiled. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the TV controller.
"Sit up baby" he raised his eyebrows at me. I sat up for a second while he sat down underneath where I was lead. I then lead back down and buried my head in his lap.
I cuddled him tightly as he held me, stroking my hair and slowly rubbing my stomach. It felt amazing. He lifted my top up and vest to below my bra and he drew circles on my tummy with his hand. He played with my hair too before flicking the TV on and putting The real house wives of Beverly Hills on for me. Despite feeling horribly sick...I was in paradise, with the most perfect boy.

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