You'd fit right in.

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Tyler's POV:
Auditions held here the sign above me read.
"Hello Sir!" A voice sounded from inside the door.
"Oh, ur, hello!" I replied to him.
"The auditions are down that way, on the left" he smiled enthusiastically.
"Thank you" I looked towards the corridor and started walking, missing the boys and Hollie already. I'm rarely without them now.
"Are you here for the auditions too?" A women's voice sounded from inside the door I was currently walking past.
I was walking past it.
I stopped and backed up so I was stood casually in the door way.
I looked in and there was a lady shaking her head at me, but behind her was sat another women, chuckling at my stupidness. She saw me looking and grinned.
I then realised that I hadn't answered her question.
"Sorry... Yes, I am" I quickly muttered. She pointed to the seat next to the woman and I walked hurriedly to sit down.
"Hello" she smiled.
"Hello" I replied.
"Do you reckon she's ever smiled before?" She giggled cutely.
"No" I chuckled back.
"I'm boiling" I sighed, beginning to remove my leather jacket.
I pulled it off, leaving my in a short sleeved, white t-shirt.
"If you don't mind me asking, who is Dj...Chester and ... Hollie?" She smiled sweetly at me, admiring my tattoos.
"I, umm..." I stuttered.
"It's a really long story, can we grab a coffee after this and I'll explain" I decided.
"Yeah sure, okay" she answered.
Another dude walked in, probably a bit older than me.
"Hi, I'm Ian Harding, here for an audition" he spoke. The sulking lady simply nodded at him and ushered him to sit opposite me and ... I don't know her name.
"What's your name?" I questioned her politely.
"Ashley Benson, yours?" She talked quietly back to me.
"Tyler Blackburn" the corners of my mouth twitching into a smile as I studied her beauty.
"Helloo" I heard a cheery voice coming from in the corridor.
"Wait... Lucy?" Ashley's face brightened immediately.
"Ash?" They both stared at each other wide-eyed.
"I haven't heard from you for years" Ashley grinned, getting up and embracing her in a huge hug.
"This is Tyler and that's..." She started.
"Ian" he stood up and held out his hand for a hand shake. Both girls shook it, as did I.
They started chatting and Ian stood in front of me.
"Have you asked her out? Ask her out!" He chuckled and sat back down opposite me again.
"I have" I smirked and he nodded in approval.
"Hello" a voice chimed from the doorway.
"Hi" we all murmured back.
"Right, Ashly Benson, Tyler Blackburn, Lucy Hale and Ian Harding, am I correct?" She looked around as we all nodded. I felt four years old again as I names were called out in alphabetical order.
"You'll be auditioning in pairs" she chatted.
"Sorry, can I just right down which characters your hoping to play" she continued.
"Out of, Hanna Marin, Caleb Rivers, Noel Kahn or Aria Montgomery" ...
"Urm, Hanna Marin" she replied.
"Caleb... Rivers" I answered back.
"Hanna Marin" she bit her lip and looked at me.
"Noel Kahn" he smiled.
"Let's go" she grinned happily.


I looked Ashley in the eye.
"I- I love you" I whispered.
"CUT" the lady shouted.
"Perfect, thank you" she smiled hopefully.
I sighed that it was over and walked out again, Ashley looked worried.
"Are you scared?" I asked her.
"Yes, Lucy's gonna get it, she frigging won American Juniors" Ashley furrowed her eye brows.
"Well, maybe one of you will get Aria" I shrugged.
"Tyler, they still have auditions in LA" she looked at me for reassurance, "I bet there's tons of people going for Hanna in LA" she complained.
"Chill out, you were amazing" I chuckled.
"How did it go?" Lucy asked, making us both jump and we didn't realise that we had reached the room again.
"Good, I guess so" I replied.
"Well done" she smiled, rubbing Ashley's shoulder.
"Well, here goes" Ian commentated as him and Lucy walked down to the actual auction room where me and Ashley just were.
"So" I started to which we simply chatted and chatted until Lucy and Ian had finished their audition.


"I know that's a good coffee shop" Ashley pointed across the road.
"Perfect" I grinned.
We walked over to it and walked in the doors.
We ordered and picked a table at the front, of the shop, outside.
"Now, we've spoken for ages now, who is Chester, Dj and Hollie?" She bit her lip and smiled.
"They are... Please don't judge until you know the whole story" I sighed. She nodded along and I began.
"Chester, Dj and Hollie are my children" a look of pure shock covered her face.
"I'll tell you from the start, five years ago, I had a girl friend called Nicole. She got pregnant and had twin boys, they were mine and they're Dj and Chester. A month after she had them she told me that she had to go out to the shops and I looked after the boys. She... She never came back. Once when I stayed at my mums with the boys for a week because I was struggling, I came back and all of her stuff was gone, she left nothing of hers there" I paused and looked Ashley in the eye.
"Oh my god" she whispered, her eyes filling up with water.
"That's not it all" I muttered and continued.
"About six months after that, she came back... And she walked in and put a baby girl in my arms. She didn't even look at the boys until she went over to them and tilted their chins up and stroked and kissed their heads. She did the same to Hollie and then the same to me. She simply said sorry and walked out again. Leaving a bag of things for Hollie in the porch. It had a label saying her name on it too. She never returned again. I was left to bring up my three babies by myself. A year after, my mum and dad moved to Michigan and I never really see them anymore, as much as they love Chester, Dj, Hollie and me, they had to move, I haven't been in a relationship since Nicole as... Who would want to date a guy with three kids?" I finished.
"Me" she let out a breath and I looked her in the eye.
"I actually look after a boy called Brooklyn a lot... My sister got pregnant four years ago and she couldn't cope when Andrew, her boyfriend left her. She gave Brooklyn to my mum but when my mum got ill it was left to me to look after him. He went back to my sister when Andrew came back and when he was two years old, in about two weeks, Andrew and my sister go to LA and they can't take Brooklyn so I'm looking after him for a month" she explained. I pulled a sympathetic
"You would really date a guy with three kids?" I chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Of course I would" she smirked.
"I could hug you right now" I bit my lip as she out stretched her arms and I wrapped my arms round her tightly but gently.
"You smell amazing" she giggled.
"You're an amazing cuddler!" I complemented.
"Do you want to come over for dinner? I mean, I would take you out but I have to pick up the kiddies in an hour from a baby sitter I hired" I let go of her and she tilted her head, looking me right in the eye. I simply admired how beautiful she is.
"Of course I will" she grinned.
"If I give you my address, do you want to come over at like six?" I asked. She nodded crazily and leant forward and kissed my cheek to which I blushed, as did she.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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