he doesnt matter anymore 3

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Ashley's POV:

I slowly opened the door to my flat and there was Ryan and two other guys...great.
They were completely asleep and there were a few cans of beer and three pizza boxes. Ew.
I went into our bedroom and saw a messy bed, the duvet was on the floor and there was a huge smudge of orange and black down the bedsheets.
"Grossss" I whispered.
I walked over to the dressing table in the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag.
I took it to the big mirror and looked at it.
Somebody had used it.
The zip was broken so I never shut it more than half way, and it was currently fully done up.
I pulled and yanked it open and stared, horrified at the state of it.
My concealer lid hadn't been put on and it had tipped over my eye liners. My lipstick lid was off to and had a crack in it.
I slumped on the chair and tears, once again, filled my eyes.
I quickly sorted them out and began putting on my makeup. I did a natural look, but more than usual. I also added a dark lipstick and straightened my hair, leaving in down completely.
I changed into a new pair of new knickers, new black jeans and a new bra and new vest. I sprayed deodorant then put Tyler's black jumper back on, it had a square of yellow, green and blue and purple patterns on the front of it, so I wasn't totally shaded dark today.
I then out on new black socks and my black and white Nike trainers. I grabbed my handbag and walked straight out the door.
I slammed it shut, loudly, probably deafening the whole block of flats, not that I cared. I popped a soft mint into my mouth and started walking towards the town.
It was only five minuets away and I usually never walked, but today I wanted to.
I pulled out my phone and texted a group message;
'Lucy, Sasha, Shay, Isaak, Ian, Keegan, Holly, Megan,
Wanna meet in LA town park?xx'
I sent it to my closest friends apart from the ones that I knew were working, like Troian and Tyler.
I simply carried on walking, and waited for a reply.
Hai gurl, wassup?? I'm sorry, can't meet, Sasha and I are having talks about music productions and stuff, soz babe, hang out with Shay??xx'
I replied with an 'okay' and 'that's fine, it didn't matter anyway, have a good day though'.
I can't Ash, sorry, photographing up in the mountains with Ian, he doesn't even own a camera, let alone how to use one haha lol'
I replied again with the same sort of answer.
Megan an I are currently in American Apparel, come over to here'
I grinned at my phone before texting back, 'Ok'.
Yeah sure...ice cream factory? Or shopping as per usual?'
Hai, yeah of course, be there in two'
Holly and Megan had met Isaak and Shay before but I really really didn't want it to be awkward.
I text Isaak and Shay to meet me in Starbucks, next to American Apparel at the same time, in five minutes.


I was now with Isaak and Shay, they didn't mind seeing each other at all, thank goodness.
We walked into the shop and immediately, I clasped eyes on Megan and Holly, browsing the isles as always.
"Hey guyssss" Holly squealed as she ran and hugged us all.
"Let's shop" I grinned.


We had just finished shopping and were now aimlessly walking about.
My phone started ringing and I simply pulled it out my pocket.
'Tyler Blackburn'
I quickly answered it and signalled to my friends that I was on the phone.
(T=Tyler, A=Ashley)
A- Hey Ty,
T- Ashhhhh, I've run out of gas,
A- Oh no... Where are you?
T- About five minuets away from set,
A- Okay,
T- it's near the big roundabout, near yours actually,
A- I know where you mean, I'll come and get you babe,
T- thank you babyyyy,
A- bye,
T- bye.
"I'm sorry, I need to go and pick up Tyler" I apologised to them all.
"Oh that's okay, are you going now?" Shay said.
"Yeah" I said.

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