How He Asks You To Marry Him

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He rounded up all the newsies just like the strike, at Medda's, and got down on one knee and asked you to marry him.

You both were at the market and all of a sudden you turn your back and he's on one knee.

You and Spot were on vacation to Florida for some reason and you went to the beach. You went to go watch the sunset and he got down on one knee and asked.

You won the final of races and he went to congrats you on the field and got down on one knee.

You and Mush were at a party and he got everyone's attention and got down on one knee.

Crutchy and you were at the park with all the other newsies and all of a sudden Crutchy had a ring in his hand. He said,"I would be kneeling but I wouldn't be able to get up Will you (Y/N) (Y/L/N) marry me?"


🐧I feel bad because I didn't mean to press update. I'm not used to the new app update which annoys me. So here I helped you out and finished this today. Love you penguins and keep on sliding.🐧

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