All of Skittery's Preferences

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🐧Okay. So I worked on this during class and my free period so I can make you guys happy. Be happy I did this for you all. 🐧

How You Met-

You were walking to Manhattan to see your brother when a boy stopped you.

"Hey girl. You wanna buy a pape?" The boy asked.

"I just finished selling my papes so no. Sorry." You shrugged it off and continued to walk.

"What's your name?" He called after you.

"(Y/N)." You answered. "You?"


What He Likes About You-

Everything. You're beautiful. Mostly your eyes and how they sparkle at anytime of the day.

Your Job-

Brooklyn Newsie

They Find a Special Talent of Yours-

You can talk while your mouth is closed

Your Newsie Best Friend-

Mush because he taught you how to dance

Your Newsie Brother/Fake Brother-

Brother: Crutchy has been your brother since birth but you both don't speak about it

Where He Asked You Out-

At Medda's in front of All The Newsies

Your First Kiss-

At Medda's in Front of All The Newsies

Your Song (2015)-

She Looks So Perfect by 5SOS

What He Does When He's Drunk-

He is more happy then he normally is when he's drunk

The T.V Show You Made Him Watch-

Love and Hip Hop, just because you love the drama the girls bring to that show

How You Put Him On Edge Sexually-

You normally would sit on his lap and pull on the collar of his shirt and bite your lip which would drive him crazy

The Weirdest Place You've Done It-


Your Saying-

Him: There are a lot of people who call you by your name.

You: But there is one person who makes it sound so special.

Him: Who?

You: You.

Favorite Disney Movie-

Inside Out

How You Make Him Jealous-

Taking walks with Spot

His Favorite Dress On You-

His Favorite Dress On You-

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