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I sighed and sat up trying to snap out of the haze of sleep before I dragged my feet to my Grandmother's room I open her chipped white door and saw her holding a picture to her heart while rocking softly. I touch her arm causing her to flinch away from my touch she looked at me like always when she was going through her moments.
"Who are you and how you get in my house where's Donald ?"it made  me want to scream  every time she ask me that question but I covered it up with a smile" I'm Kyra your granddaughter remember you used to call me Lilo  because I looked like her when I was younger"she shook her head and looked down at the picture in her hand of my grandfather and my mother when she was younger I smiled softly and got up and grabbed her bag of pills and placed them in the order she was supposed to take them then  I grabbed the first pill and her glass of water she had by her night stand "nana you need to take your pills can you take them for me " she nodded still in a daze and took a  pill and  the water into her mouth and shallowed it with no problem we did that till she had took all the pills she need for the day I went into the kitchen and cooked her a nice breakfast then went into the room and place it on her table next her I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 9:20 I sighed knowing I was  late again for school .

I went into my room and grabbed my clothes and put them on not caring what I put on thank God I took a shower last night because if I didn't  I would be even later than I already am. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag and left the house making sure to put a note under my neighbor's door saying to watch over my grandmother while I'm gone I ran down the steps of the apartment till I was pulled to the side by a stronghold I was was was was looked to my side to see who was pulling me, my neighbor,  Andre he always gave me weird vibe so I usually avoided him. I  tried pulling my arm out of his hold but he gripped my arm tighter I winced in pain and faced him "didn't I tell you to stop running down these steps before you fall on that beautiful face of yours" he tried kissing my neck with his crusty ass lips I moved my head away so I couldn't feel his hot breath  on my skin anymore
"Let me go I'm late for school" he chuckled and moved my hair from out of my face" baby if you're with me you're not going to need school again I got enough money to buy your little ass school" I scoffed and looked at the smoke-stained walls of the hallway rather then his scarred face " if you had enough to buy my school you wouldn't be living here" Andre how many time I have to tell you are too old for me I'm 17you're" he looked at me licked his dry lips "baby age is just a  number" I rolled my eyes "ok r kelly tells the cops that but can you let me go king is looking for me " as soon as I said king's name he let me go of my arm  I smile to myself and continued my journey to school.

I got to school and went straight to the office to get a late pass I  hated being late for school  everyone knew why I was late so all they gave me was sympathy glaces  I hated it  I just wish I could  go to a place that no one knew me or my situation it sometimes felt suffocating   I sighed holding the late pass tightly in my hand I walked into class and made my teacher stop her lesson and her eyes said all  "poor kyra " she smiled softly at me before she took my late pass and went back to her lesson i went and took my seat and put my head down"her fat ass think just because her grandmother sick she can get passes from everyone I honestly don't give to fucks about her grandmother " the girl behind me mutter loud enough for me to hear   I really was not in the mood to argue but anger inside was bubbling over " I'm going give you five seconds to shut the fuck up before I shut you up" the class grew quiet  and heads turns to look at me I calmly faced the front and picked my nails " miss Jennings will you please tell me why you are interrupting my class again... " I held my hand up not wanting to hear her I turned around and looked at the girl that was talking " would you like to repeat what you just said  " she rolled her eyes and whispered to her friend and they both laughed I chuckled and stood up from my chair and grabbed her by her shirt pulling her out of her chair onto the floor I heard a whole bunch of screaming but I didn't care I continue to hit the girl with everything had but soon I felt my self being pulled off her so I sent a final kick to her face then I let her go and let myself be carried away by the security.
I have been waiting in the office for almost an hour now principal price came into view and told me to follow. I sighed and follow him into the office and sat In a seat in front of his desk he looked at me with a disappointed expression " I called king he said he will be here in a few to come get you" I open my mouth to argue with him for calling him " Kyra what was our agreement? " I sighed and looked down " are agreement was that you would stay out of trouble for the next couple weeks of school and I wouldn't call king anymore right?" I nodded my head and picked the nail polish off my finger nails " listen kyra your grandmother would not want you to be doing this if she was in her right mind right now she would beat you up side the head with something I would know she did it to me a couple of times " we both smiled then someone cleared there throat and it was the lady from the front desk " umm sir king is here " he nodded and the woman left " kyra I'm going have to suspended you for a couple of days " I nodded and follow him back to the main office I seen king signing a piece of paper he turned and looked at me with blank expression with  his lips drawn in a line he walked up to principle price and I " what's her punishment " I looked a way from his hard stare " she got three days suspension " he nodded and sighed " thanks principal price come on kyra " they shook hands and king basically dragged me down the hall " kyra school isn't for you to fight I'm tired having come down here for this shit  " I stared at him for a little while trying see if he was really serious"king I don't act like nana wasn't here for you delinquent ass every other for the same thing please get off your high horse that bitch deserved it "
" he stopped in the middle of the hallway and pushed me against the locker " kyra I'm going need you to watch your mouth I have to stop what I'm doing to come to get you your taking food out our mouths for this childish shit   " I roll my eye " I never asked you to do that stop throwing it in my face " he jaw grew tight " you didn't have to ask kyra " we stared at each other for a long time till someone clearing their throat interrupting we both turned and seen some girl from my science class I think her name is  Felicity staring at us with an eyebrow raises she looked at the king and he let me go and stomped outside without looking back " are you ok did he hurt you " I smiled softly I never really talked to felicity but she seems very sweet  "I'm fine " she sighed in relief " are you sure he looked like he was about to hurt you " I nodded  " he would never I beat him up if I need to but felicity right?  " she nodded "kyra right? I smiled nodding " I'll see you around sometime. you seem cool" since I had been at this school the girls either try to be my friend to get to the king or just blatantly ignored me it felt strange for  once someone wanted   to hang with me it felt like a trap a loud horn sounded from outside knowing it was king I clear my throat " I have to go see you later " I rushed out the building before she could say anything else

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