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I woke up and smelled a strong smell of pee and weed I scrunch my nose to trying to at least try to hide the smell a little but it didn't work " finally your up I been trying to keep bubba off your ass for hours now " I looked over to my right to see a old man with a scar that ran over his left eye his ass look like scar from lion king and next to him was this big black nigga he looked at me and licked his lips and smirked at me with his yellow teeth "why am I here who are you ?" He laughed and came closer to me I backed up a little on to the dirty mattress " my name is ace and I need you sweet heart to send king a message for me " after he said that a whole bunch of men came into the room naked and i recognized one of them as Andre he looked beat up but he smirked at me ace smiled at me " OK guys you can do whatever y'all want to do to her but do not kill her alright " they all nodded there heads ace left and bubba closed the door behind him and started to take his clothes of to I got up and tried to run for the door but bubba caught me and ripped my shirt open and threw me on the mattress I hit my head on something hard i looked up and the room started to spin my eyes where getting heavy soon evrything went black again

I woke up but this time the smell was ten times worst I open my eyes and realized I was in a ally next to a trash can I sat up and looked down at my sore body a trail of blood ran down my bruised legs and my shirt was ripped and wet .I sobbed at the sight of my self but it hurt even to cry because my eye was swollen shut and my lip busted I stopped crying and grabbed onto the wall to pull myself up I winced in pain when I took my first step I got of the ally and looked where I was and I knew my house was at least a block away thankfully it was night and it would be easier to hide I held my ripped shirt together to hide my breast and limped the direction of my house two women coming out a near by store laughing stopped when they spotted me and stared "omg are you ok do you need any help" i tried to speak but i could put the words together speak a tear slid down my face and nodded the one on the left grabbed her phone and call I'm guess the police i coughed covered my mouth i looked at the hand that was on had covered my mouth to see blood the right one came side giving me a napkin "the ambulance said theyll be here in 5 min " we need you to sit down ok " i nodded softly not knowing if i could stay awake anymore anyways i sat at a near by bench as the women watched me carefully my unswollen shut eyes tried to focus on something so i can stay awake but i was failing "hey hey you got stay up for me " women shook me to keep me awake but my eye lid was to heavy " you need to stay up you might have a concussion" .. ... .....

The sound of beeping woke Me out my of deep sleep I groaned at the bumping in my head I tried to sit up but the wires attached to me held me back I open my eyes to see a all white room I looked over to my side to see king laying in a small chair sleep I leaned over and ran my fingers through his curly hair he moaned and looked at me he smiled a little bit and got out of the chair and stretched before he went out the door I'm guessing to get a nurse ,a nurse came in with king and was looking at my chart before she looked up at me and smiled softly while tucking the chart under her arm " sweetie do you remember anything before you woke up here " I thought back and I couldn't really everything was now fuzzy I shook my head and rubbed my sore head " no I don't sorry" she smiled sadly and nodded understanding " you had endured a lot of vaginal damage and you had left over semen left inside you there is possibility that you might be pregnant but since it still it is to early to find out for sure " I put my gown over my mouth trying quiet my sobs I seen king pacing back in forth the room with hand pulling at his hair " I know this a bad time but the police would like to have word with you and since you are still a minor social services would also like to word but i told them to give you time to rest before they talk to you " I nodded while trying to control my sobs the nurse looked me sadly before leaving and shutting the door behind her when I heard the door fully close I broke down and sobbed into one of the pillows I felt king pull me into a tight hug then let me go and looked me in my eyes " Kyra I need you to tell me something OK please baby " I tried to think but I couldn't " king I can't I don't remember " I broke down again at thought king held me tight to his body and kissed my forehead " its OK baby we'll get through this together ok" I nodded my head and leaned into him feeling safe

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